but i'd like to give a shout out to Ruilong my old bud :) for turning the big 18 today
happy birthday mate

we've known each other for all these years. was kinda looking back at primary school photos and stuff yesterday . but i don't know how to scan it up onto my computer. not even sure if my printer has a scanning function
well if i ever find out how to scan up some old photos . i'll put it up on my blog one day and share a part of my life with you guys
Well its nice to be checking my blogroll and seeing new posts being put up. havent been doing much today apart from just reading everyone's blogs and reading through the boredofstudies site
wow xD that forum is like a place for people to brag. this lyounamu kid is incredible. talking about state rankings and everything. his ego is phenomenal
i actually just wanna meet this guy out of curiousity
while everyone else is living it up after HSC xD he's guarding the forums at home posting every 5 minutes.
whenever i google something up related to work (usually english) google results always turn to boredofstudies
and i see lyounamu going on and on xD
well what happened today and yesterday:
while people were at usyd and doing their jap exams . i went to school to do a little bit of study with connie. friday night my friend who does jap came over to ask my mum some stuff about japanese, in preparation. i was going over her transcripts and everything she typed up :O crazy. there were like 15+ pages, and she was just tryna memorise it all. realised i forgot all my kanji
damn cityrail had dodgy track work again. so i had to drive to burwood to catch the train to epping. and then when i got to epping, the next bus was in 30 minutes. so i decided to walk to carlo. since carlo court was on the way anyway and i need to get some lunch. the route wasnt as long as i expected. i remembered the time when me and benny werent allowed on the kings school bus early in the morning for some reason in year 7, so we decided to walk to school from epping. and it took forever.

managed to get a catch of the view from the bridge thingo that i crossed along the way.
finally got to school. it was so hot. my jeans were burning up
didnt do that much study. just showed connie a coupla questions in maths
went off the guan where he taught us some funky stuff. and headed back to epping
got to epping. 27 minutes till next train. great. weekend transport is pretty dodgy
so i just keep contemplating whether or not to get something to eat. i knew mum had bought duck. but itd be ages till i got home. bumped into betty on the way who just finished intuition.
so in the end i get a whole pizza which was slightly undercooked . that dominos pizza place was going off . they were so busy with phone orders and everything.

days are so good now. wish i had a car so i could go places and do lotsa sporty physical activities. instead im stuck at home half-heartedly browsing through math papers. yesterday night. stayed up till 2 (which is normal for some of you) talking to someone i havent seen in 8 years. she was in my year 4 class, and she still looks the same. looking forward to meeting her and catching up soon
for now that is it :) ill try to have a more exciting life for future posts
seeing everyone going out to city and concerts and stuff. dayum
take care