first of all. i have finally finished my "art" project .

guess it turned out alright, except the reflection turned out kinda dodgy cause i got lazy and just drew whatever. hands went all blue after smudging so much so switches and stuff around my home have a bit of blue covered now

looking to be giving that to someone else to do whatever they want with it. cause i dun feel like keeping it
anyways school days these days are very enjoyable. no work. everyone is in good spirits (kinda) and we just don't do much in class
maths was the bomb with woodhouse's little lecture xD which perrins hated on for a bit in class
and english was awesome too with the luvos we took with steele xD hahaha.

its so funny introducing steele to the "new technological world" with stuff like facebook, luvo pictures and various movies. oh that reminds me. need to watch the reader. and also track down her 17 year old daughter.
sadly noone really listens to speeches which is a bit rude, but we do other things instead

got some results back. won't go through that
after school me and victor hit up epping. get the usual burger and chips
then head off on 548 to epping basketball courts. its nice to get out and do some relaxing stuff instead of staying at home and surfing computer for ages which is still ok.
get there. play around for a bit and then join the game of pick up basketball
one of the guys said he used to go to ruse but didn't really recognise him.
although he did look quite similar to owen tsao if anybody knows him.
played well. won our first 2 games with victor hitting a fluky 3 with the ruse guy all over him. and then lost the last one so we started heading back to epping station

on the way. we spot a basketball ring at a relatively low height attached to the hut of someones garage . victor decides he wants to have a go at dunking on it xD
makes a bloody mess of it and we get the hell out of there before anyone notices. halfway through running. we realise noones in the house so we contemplate whether or not go to have another go. but literally seconds later a car comes and pulls into the house. and we run like hell xD
i love this time of year. when the cicadas or crickets come out and chirp
and the birds start chirping too
do you know what i mean? when you start to hear those noises, you truly begin to feel like summer has started to begin
and long days until 8 . so so nice. looking forward to when the day will get longer
i reckon looking at sunsets is more nicer than looking at sunrises
just my opinion though.
looking forward to tomorrow. going for a run around the school in the morning . and who knows what happens later
until then
take care everyone
be happy :)
I don't think I've ever waken up properly to SEE a sunset. Hehe.
ReplyDeleteGood to see you're living it up (;