Thursday, August 20, 2009

I missed you blogger <3

yes i quite missed blogging. and its finally good to be back again and typing :) although i have nothing much unique to say. trials are over though
so it feels bloody good to be free .
my dad was extra nice to me during these two weeks xD knowing i had trials. and has been driving me to school every day for trials.
on the way to school on wednesday, there's this yellow ute that's just in front of us the entire time. and i don't know if you can see it clearly, but the number plate just says 'marks'.

what are the chances of that happening? damn probability. you never know if you're right until you really check the answers. just in case you missed out some condition

today's physics was alright. stayed up till about 2 just reading the physics textbook. for a one-day prep. it was pretty alright. lucky they had stuff which i still remembered from before. don't really care about phys either. doesn't count for me. so i have this ceeebs(as the nsgs and baulkos would say) attitude. but luckily it turned out moderately ok

got out the door and just felt so good. so much stuff to do now. if i am allowed
asian parents don't get that the end of trials means time to go play for a coupla days. they still think. oh time to study for HSC now !

things i wanna do from now until when i start feeling guilty and start to study for HSC:
- watch nrl double header tomorrow :D
- lotsa exercise including basketball and perhaps tennis :P
- kayaking !
- do one of my things on my things to do before i die list
- eat lotsa healthy stuff and feel great

i only just realised this while eating. how stupid is a KFC dinner for 2?
they have 5 pieces of chicken , 2 regular chips, 2 coleslaw and 2 drinks
but 5 pieces of chicken?! cant KFC do maths or something
especially if its two guys eating. they'll all be finished with their second piece and going errrrrrrrr. and just staring at the last piece xD

any food tastes so nice after you've finished doing lotsa swimming. or kayaking probably.

to finish this off. some lame joke posted by my 'msn stalker' . more details on that later.
Anaesthetised says:
what's red and looks like a bucket
now what's blue and looks like a bucket
a red bucket in disguise

its not even lame funny. just a facepalm reaction joke
take care everyone. have some fun :) that rhymed.


  1. this is a gay comment. about how gay i think your posts are.

    can i just say...
    KFC dinner for two
    aptly named DINNER FOR TWO
    ....'especially if its two guys eating'

    so ends this gay comment about how gay you are.


  2. A dinner for two is meant to reflect compromising. One person will eat more than the other.

  3. For the record, the anonymous record was not me.
    ceebs posting a constructive comment.

  4. HAHAHA. Who is this person, what hilarious jokes xD


  6. cute joke, kinda random though
