Thursday, July 23, 2009


I just woke up about an hour ago and feeling really guilty about the time i coulda used instead of sleeping all that time.
But its mainly because of :
- chats with friendly people i've just met, on msn late late at night
- watching the tour de france

i don't know what it is about 200 guys in tight bike shorts dancing on their bicycles that makes it so exciting, but i quite like watchin the tour de france.
Currently i'm gunning for this guy Andy Schleck who's coming 2nd overall

and the commentators get all excited about it and stuff too. that aussie guy cadel evans screwed up a stage so now he's chucking a dummy spit

just watching the speed of the race and the phenomenon of air resistance is incredible.
obviously for us we're not travelling at high enough speeds to experience this air resistance but in cycling it makes a big difference.

and what these guys do is freaky. i mean cycling 200km a day for 14 days .

i remember back in year 10 when we decided to have that 'grade picnic' of ours except it rained and about 20 or so turned up.

so we all decided to head back to sy's place for a barbecue which ended up quite nice
but what i remember was me eddy and eddison deciding to ride bikes to her place. i had to use alison's bike and her seat was making my bum really sore the whole way.
to add to that it was pourrinngg and everything got soaked.
in an attempt to get directions, sy's car decided to drive slowly with us so that we could keep up, except we lost em halfway through
and i just remember going up those hills and eddison, i dunno how that guy does it, but he just seems like its effortless. while eddy is about 20m behind him and i'm about 50m back screamingg "please sloww down"
i think it was faster for me to run my bike up the hill than pedal on it.

i've been meaning to post up my hiking trip recap but i'm still halfway through it. bosco how do you do it.

anyways what happened yesterday/after midnight: i'm kinda gettin used to saying "today" after 12am now instead of tomorrow

woke up late as usual, hoped onto the comp to watch highlights of tour de france and the usual facebook and blog check to see if anyone posted up some interesting stuff.
about to settle down to do some UMAT questions when the plumber calls to say he'll come and check up on something and our plumber is a pretty big talker. so i decide to escape to the library with my laptop and books.
get to library and sit myself down and using the library's wifi i start doing questions. but i find it so hard to read while there's noise. cause i keep losing my spot while wishing it would be quiet.

during the holidays there's always kids around the computer section playing wuteva games they play now. i know. that used to me back then playing runescape with all my mates in year 7 when it was the shizz. so i mustve been annoying to people studying for HSC.

well anyways they run out of computer booking time (muahaha quiet at last) when some kid beside me is watching some japanese show and cracking his pants every 30 seconds. and he would be laughing his head off and banging his hand on the table. it was kinda weird. and me and the curry guy to my other side were just exchanging looks of confusion. and then i catch some other guy on his laptop googling pictures of curry girls.

despite all the noise i manage to ace my practice exam surprisingly(i just realised UMAT was on the wednesday so we miss school) and i move on to some other stuff. mum comes to find me after work and we go buy some groceries and go home. and then the next 5 hours seem to pass by within 10 minutes. damn tv.
you think that you'll go and do some work afterwards but noooo there's always gotta be some good show next and so on. i can almost watch anything. except for biggest loser, that got old for me.

planning to lock myself in my room tomorrow for a whole day so ill get some work done, unless i happen to go studying with someone.
so it's bye for now.


  1. LOL at the curry pervert
    What would be in a tour de france highlights reel apart from crashes?
    you better not be alone when you go library :p

  2. when you go back to school. that first day feels like jetlag because of your sleeping patterns

  3. true that. I've been trying to wake up at school times (for UMAT) but I've been feeling ultra stoned when I've gotten up before 8 in the last week :(

  4. Firstly, yum @ the me in tight shorts on bikes.

    Secondaly, haha isnt it funny how blogging about current stuff is easish but anything that requires you to think back is much harder because you can never be bothered =D

    Don't ask me advice I take ages to write my entries!

  5. Hi there ;)
    Finally stumbled across your blog (not really).

    I remember that failed BBQ! Pouring rain, you guys lagging behind the car. Pretty extreme (from the car hehe). And then our other failed attempts at a BBQ after that day - like the time we didn't have bloody gas 8)

    Anyways, good luck for UMAT and I'll see you soon :)
