you go into the place and you get served by a grumpy mid aged woman and his kinder husband. although i go there probably twice a week and order the same 'special burger and chips' everyday. the lady is persistent in shutting me down and goin:
the husband is a bit more kinder but i always get served by the lady. so i can never try me "oh just the usual" line.
it all started one day when me and swami caught the 546 bus and the bus dropped us off early near this place. we were feeling hungry and swami noticed a sign. the same bit of chalk written on that board has been there ever since and it reads
special: plain burger and chips $4.50
we thought. hey thats pretty cheap so we persisted to try "the burger"
and ohh what heaven that first bite was. that soft bun, that beautiful patty that just rolled around in ur mouth and melted. and who could forget that single piece of beetroot. which just topped it all off as the greatest burger i've ever had.
and since then we've gone there regularly to taste "the burger"
food was never so good.
speaking of food. planning to rock up to normo tomorrow to eat their food. cept asked one of their guys and sounds like they have bad food. but wutevs. time to soak up this last 2 weeks of prefect privilege
it's been a good run
and now its study study study time.
living far away sucks cause school events are so hard to get to . biggest regret is not gettin my Ls wen i first turned 16. what the hell was i thinking.
it seems like everyones excuse not to do stuff is cause of study. i said i didnt wanna get Ls cause i had to study. what a fool i was.
now i hafta wait till bloody november to get my Ps while i stare jealously at people like rishi kelly ben james manbir etc. in their cars driving home
that'd be really convenient .
but for now it is off to study. i recommend the burger at de grill. its a must-try
HOKAY found this post. Yes I'll come here one day.
ReplyDeleteMaybe sometime next week 8)