and it hasnt been that fun. well its been ok
preparing for the end of term assembly was enjoyable but also sad cause its the last thing we'll really ever do. didn't turn out that good but heh, maybe with more practise and if we didnt hafta rush it. perhaps it mightve been better.
and this excuse. oh i cant do this and that cause of study. we're all hypocritical for saying that. i probably waste so much time just browsing facebook and even typing this blog, so i can always fit other things in.
hoping that we'll be able to make a good final prefect news .
the quiz thing in the assembly was supposed to be longer and some of the questions were those type of 'questions only ruse people would know the answer to'
for example"

which teacher's glasses do these belong to

how much does this cost in the canteen

what does the sign say. its the name of the road that leads to the quadrangle from the teachers parking lot
wow. this nsg just got offered a cadetship at pwc. she sounds very happy.
but that must be a pretty good feeling regardless of what people say about how crappy cadetships are. gives you confidence in yourself and wow how much dus she get offered? 30K? that's a lot of money for us kiddies
and sounds like her future is all set. the rest of us still aint so sure
that is why i'm determined to get through this period of study. once u sit ur butt down and get into it. its not that bad. its just the sitting ur butt down bit that's hard
2 more exam periods and that's it . went to state library yesterday which is an awesome library. so many good HSC resources and good study environment
and parra library today. which is always noisy. there's always these people who
make themselves feel good by going to libraries but go there and just talk to each
other. but they come out of it feeling good cause they feel like they got sum study done. which is kinda annoying for the rest of us who are trying to work and cant cause of the noise
kinda makes u think why dun u have a nice little chat sumwhere else.
it was ok tho. now i must do umat
to finish it off just some photos. i was gonna put up a foto petey and richard posed for in the change rooms but it was too sexy and private to be shown. if u wish to see it let me know urself.
james and shiva

swami posing in front of a crashed car which symbolises his eventual downfall


guy prefects in the changeroom

studying at state library

what downfall?