really good lesson today. i love learning these new super smart uncanny methods and techniques. thinking outside the square and executing the solution really impresses me. like for example today guan showed us how to do one of these hard probability questions by using geometry. got it in like 3 lines. ingenius.
anyways moving on. i'm in kind of a drifty state after reading joseph's blog. very insightful stuff.
and i'm kinda eating up time as well until my girlfriend comes on so i can talk to her and ask her bout chem & phys research.
i have a feeling that people will start stressing and pulling hair out from now. 3 weeks for me is my alarm bell to start gettin off my butt and doin some stuff. but all i can think of now really are those beautiful fish and chips i had yesterday. and watchin masterchef didnt make it any better
i like watchin the masterclasses cause it's something u can actually do.
i wish i was that fat scarf critic dude on there and just tasted good food all day
they showed how to make a delicious fish which is quite simple and great chips.

yum. i'm gonna try that one day.

and the steak. ohh the perfect steak is so so good. i love hogs breath steak. so soft and yummy. i wonder if anything they make up there in masterclass is actually not that tasty, but the contestants go yumm and look like they're in heaven just for the camera. how good can chips get. it cant be far off from normal chips. but they still oohhh and ahhhh in pleasure
sorry here i am drifting off to food again.
i really enjoy reading shakespeare. once i actually get what it means. and thanks to my no fear shakespeare version of hamlet. it makes it much easier. basically it just has the normal play text on the left, and a translated version on the right. so much easier . the language he uses is so stylish and smooth and the analogies he brings in are so deep. what hamlet says also makes me think.
like the only reason we fear death, is because we don't know what is on the other side. you know. is it bad, is it good, is there even an other side. what do we become. and what good is a human if he just eats and sleeps all day. no compassion, no adventure, no excitement, no heart. what is life meant to be for. are we just here for the experience, is there a purpose we are here.
i guess there's where religion comes in
some believe this some believe that. but in the end. someone's gotta be wrong
i dunno where religions begin. but one of these. some dude's just gotta have gone hey this is the way it is. sorry if i offend some people, it's just the way i think
for me. i'm a christian. not a very strong one. used to attend church but not anymore. ISCF and that's about it. i'm not very open to my christianity. don't talk about it often mainly because people take it the wrong way and cant see it from ur point of view, or think it's all mindwash which is fair enuff cause i can understand that. just surprised they dun have a spiritual sense
for today's memory section

src week. monday '08
wow peter looks weird there with the long hair.
for me, it was probably the first time i was in charge of something, and to come out of it with lots of success . that was really nice
handball tournament was good and everyone seemed really into it and pizzas were all gone in a flash so all good. the pres was delighted
you guys should do a handball competition again. it was fricking awesome. cos we won =)
ReplyDeleteEddison still has our tournament ball. Which Kerry signed as our team manager. After all the games.
ReplyDeleteShakespeare is pretty awesome aye? Reading Richard III and getting what they're trying to say is pretty cool :P
Bahaha i know that fish en papilotte [i cbb to google the spelling xD] recipe off by heart now ;D
ReplyDeletei think .
fillet the fish, sprinkle the crap, baking paper over foil, fold 45 degrees, put on a hot pan to start it off, oven 180 [?] for 6 minutes then rest. ;D
lets do it at schoolies :)
yes i concur that handball tournament should be reinstated
ReplyDeletewhere's sharon when u need her...