my life is complete. these hafta be the greatest fish and chips in the whole of sydney. they say fish and chips is pretty good in nz. but for now this homebush hut will do. big huge fish and stacks of chips sprinkled with chicken salt and complimented with a lemon all wrapped in paper old style. topped off with a can of mountain dew $5.80
please excuse me talkin about food but:
1. i cant really think of bothering issues or philosophical thoughts right now
2. best fish and chips EVVAAA
food is an essential part of my life. its sumthin i really look forward to and sumthin i really enjoy
dont get me wrong but i think guys appreciate food more than girls. cause wen they eat . there's no talkin. it's just looking at the food and eating. and even if there is talkin. it's about how good the food their eating is.

tday we had shave for a cure. pretty fun stuff. swami gettin his head shaved. i think the look suits him looks sharp. but victor took it too far. that's just not cool to shave and screw up someone's eyebrows. bobby told me just then he nearly got bashed goin home.
i'm feeling really unmotivated anymore to do prefect stuff. i think it's either cause i've been sick and tired the whole week or that i've just worn out. still needa come up with a end of term 2 assembly and end prefect video with our exams in between as well. it's gonna be hard
i'll keep this blog short. perhaps 1 or 2 more posts and then there'll be a long gap
need to really start picking up and do research and all this other stuff. phys bugs me.
i'll probably stop doin these memories things too. im bleeding photos. there aint much left

this was very fun to do. haka performance for year 10 multicultural night. and the whole crowd was laffing mainly cause it looked like 10 scrawny asians (except danny) tryna be scary tank maori's . previously i hadnt been to many school night events mainly cause of the distance i live from the school. but that was the start to many fun night events.