but thanks to my good friend kalixocin :) im feeling all good now.

today afternoon i was feeling a little bit hungry . so then i remembered that homebush boys was having an afternoon tea today. so i thought. hey whats better than getting free food :P
caught the train to homebush and mariya walked me halfway there before she went home.
their afternoon tea was kind of dissapointing really. i had to leave halfway through but it was a poor turn out (30-35) and most of them were the homebush boys anyway with a few strathfield girls and plc and random inner west schools. played a bit of musical chairs before i left. which was kinda fun but at the same kinda awkward to be rubbing butts against strathfield girls and plc in an attempt to get ur butt on a seat. made it to the top 3 before i decided not to fight over a seat with this other girl as this other guy with his jersey name ">god" was really determined and there was no way you could get his seat.
they actually have hospitality as a subject over there at homebush and there were people dressed in chef costumes to serve us food. shulda taken a foto of their awesome uniform but unfortunately i didnt. and unfortunately the food they made werent as good either. the chicken wasn't moist and slightly overcooked and the dipping sauces werent sumthin u'd wanna dip into again and again. and the pizza was too heavy on cheese and that just dominated everything else that was on it. and the spring rolls were dry and not very crispy. i think i'm watching masterchef too much.
i'm gonna finish it there.havent done work for ages due to my sickness. here's a coupla fotos to sum it up

final round of musical chairs.

my favourite place to get fish and chips. the fish is soo good. damn victor's a regular there too. only cause he's white and tall. so the woman can recognise him.

for all the haters. that's right.
and for michael's memory moment..

year 9 camp. haha eddy looks like he's having a nice dream
pretty awesome stuff. long nights, adventurous excursions around canberra and fun bus trips. fun and very painful actually. i can still remember on the bus trip on our way there. playing yellow car with shirin, larissa and jero. my leg was so red and sore after an hour. that girl's got one hell of a slap. and then we watched some boring movie. which i cant remember what it was. but then the ending was really good but sad as well. this guy who was crippled or sumthin decided to commit suicide by burning himself up. if anyone knows the name. i'd love to watch it again
nights were spent crammed into a 4 man room with about 20 people. ballyntyne took one look at our cabin, went 'holy cow', and just left.
Hahaha, Bal =P