but the problem is. it just encourages this vicious cycle which is really unhealthy and stunts my growth. not that i need to be any taller :P
once i take a one hour nap around this time. it usually means i cant fall asleep until around 12:30 and then i hafta get up at 6:30 which leaves me sleepy for the rest of the day until i can finally get home and get sum sleep. and the cycle continues
well anyways the purpose of this blog is to introduce a new term of mine. sorry i really cant think of anything else. my day has been uneventful .
well LNHS is what i'd like to call the late-night-homo state. which i'd like to think it applies to most guys
what happens is. wen its really late at night. say like 1 or 2. some guys get really girly and in touch with their emotions and they just release all of these emotions out. thats why its call the late night homo state. its like your almost in a love-drunken state and u just cant help but saying all this homo sweet stuff
and you wake up the next morning thinking. what the hell was i saying.but you're kinda glad u said it anyway. guys have too much pride to say all this loveydovey stuff wen their normal.
here's a foto i took in physics today of aryan 'robin' shahabi. this one's for you aryan. just to cheer u up after you got beat by us in 3 on 3 :P i know you're reading my blog

i'm running really short of these memory fotos. many memories dun have a foto to go with them. but i dug deep
hockey knockout '08. now that was a team. a bunch of people who didnt really know anythin about hockey. we did a pretty good job to beat doonside 1-0 . and to this point i can proudly say that team is still undefeated. cause we never really got to verse our next round opponents glenwood. the grade sport team played for us and lost. we look so happy in that foto. mainly cause danny's dad just said thank you in a really fobby canto accent so we were all laughing
L.N.H.S is so true! Happened to me quite a few times anyways x)
ReplyDeleteAnd KO Hockey 08 was a jip. We were robbed of a national title. xD
And nice 3on3 game today, though it was all Victor =P
ReplyDeleteLNHS- a condition that occurs when you are starting to get sleepy and you start losing your perception and grip on things. It's like being intoxicated by liquor ;) and you don't feel the pain of it until the next day :)
inamotoichiban, mishmashmosh, Anonymous. I just wanted to say how much I love you all. So very very much. I am about to sleep, and you'll be on my mind. La la la la la la la. oh, I think that was the LNHS xD
ReplyDeletehaha, thanks Mikey xD It was a tough match, and unfortunately, I didn't perform to standards. In the end, Michael, you and I make the perfect team: Number Game Champions. Those were the days :P haha.
how come you're not there Alan...
ReplyDeleteat least i don't see you, you mysterious stranger ;)
oh oops. i thought this was Alan's blog!!
ReplyDeleteso sorry michael =( HAHA i saw Aryan's photo and thought it was Alan making fun of Aryan. sorry :P