but who knew cadetship evening would be pretty eventful. this may draw parallels to belle's future blog
well left school for the first time early eva. since i had a double free. i usually spend double free doin unproductive work or just lazing around cause im too "tired"
go home got dressed. a little bit worried that i was a bit overdressed
and it certainly seemed that way wen i first got to darling harbour
here i was in a suit and everything
and i see all the ruse people coming towards me with their school uniform still on. evn the people who did dress up only had a shirt
but it was alright once we got inside. there were STACKLOADS of people. i would probably say 700 altogether and there were lotsa people in suits so it was all good :)
i think we all went there with higher expectations than it turned out to be. by that i mean tryna look really presentable and everything. but it didnt turn out to be that important. quite enjoyable actually
freebies were a nice thing . torches, cards, jellybeans, rubiks cubes, soccer ball, pens, pencil cases, stickynotes, drawstring bag, name card holder :P and loads of drinks

also met quite a few people that i made friends with out of school so that was quite nice. seems like loads of people wanna do commerce related stuff
but cadetships dont sound all that attractive anymore
the people at the convention were all really positive about it and stuff but wen we went to pepper lunch and talked to random people who were actually doin cadetships. my interest plunged
the evening was just 2 hours of walking around within this 50m capacity to various businesses and pretending to seem interested wen all you really wanted was the cool free torch xD well that was the case for me. and many of the people from other schools :P
these awesome people in uniforms were serving us drinks and snacks and i managed to get a foto with one of them :P but the guy gave me a really weird look wen i asked xD

left the place full and content with all the awesome brochures and freebies we got, and me milo belle and peter headed off to pepper lunch to grab some dinner
and omg. they shoved so much pepper into the rice. so hot
personally i cant handle spicy things. far as i can go is kimchi
i love the initially taste of spicy things wen it dusnt burn. but then afterwards it starts burning and i cant handle it. the misery suffered over the burning sensations overpowers the pleasure of the initial taste. i wish that they would invent sumthin were u can only get the initial taste and not the nasty afterburn
moving on. some guy next to us just happened to be a cadet working for ernst & young. told us that he only gets 2 weeks of holiday in the whole year and so he practically works 350 days a year. and he only just got off work at like 7. kinda weird guy :P belle thought he was the same guy who did that thing to treskin at assembly and then got expelled.

the guy was the person in the middle

belle looks a bit lost here
and then a few seconds later
we see ambrose and lawrence who used to go to ruse walking up and down and around .
and caught a glimpse of dai-wen too. at the end of the meal. we managed to strike up the courage to say hi and have a little chat. altho they showed no recognition of us being there evn tho milo and peter were in school uniform.
had a little chat to dai-wen (mainly belle did) and she turned out to be really helpful explaining a bit about the study side and the social side to choosing co-ops and cadetships and otherstuff. cadetships are harder than they seem. and co-ops are hard to maintain. u need a consistent high score (distinction)
belle went to get 85 degrees cake. which milo pursued to destroy and the box landed on the floor. all this cream was on the ground

checking if it was still alright. luckily it was otherwise milo would be dead
that caps of one the most eventful days for me in a while.
now for my daily memory moment:

ruse valentines day 2009
that was a really exhilirating adrenaline pumped day. loads and loads of fun despite frustrations here and there and hard work. particularly exciting for one because i had someone to be with on valentines day for once :P
but delivering all those goods and performing at that assembly was so satisfying. just to see people happy. (altho sum ppl were unhappy sadly due to misgiven goods) especially mr alder :P
and the assembly i thought was brilliant. i think ive watched it on youtube many times now. very good script writing i thought :) and the audience responded quite well to it.
wen the audience responds really well to it and laughs with you and everything. its really satisfying. cause all that hard work was worth it, just to entertain the rest of the school and see them enjoy it. i love this job.
but you guys were all sceptics
but then again rob owns a tutoring place
sif need cadetship
crazy mofo
in league with jaxon teh stoner
aahhahaa im pretty sure it is NOT the guy who got expelled for the treskin thing.
ReplyDeletei love pepper lunch !
D: I said it WASNT the guy ;D
ReplyDeleteBut anywhoos. you guys are crazee.
You know I'm scared that if I post that pic on my blog that guy might get fired or something, because what he said was quite 8-) un-great. Bahaha.
AND I DON'T LOOK LOST. That's my SURPRISED look cos I was the first one who saw Ambrose (H). And Lawrence
It's not the guy who got expelled.
Belle looks so strange...
Nice little pose with the drinks man there Michael ;)
ReplyDeleteAWW SHUCKS! I was about to say GREAT BLOG until that valentines photo came up. Grrr!
ReplyDeleteThat's not Rob Liu! Check out his facebook he's got liek a gazillion friends.
That's pretty cool how you met a random cadet and took a photo with him :P