I don't know how to spell shinannagans. ok it's been red underlined
anyways this post is just a recount of my study progress. i rate progress as moderate, but hopefully if some of you are still sitting on your bum facebooking and msning away. maybe you'll get off it and be encouraged to do some work.
to those already doing tonnes of study. good stuff. i'll try and match it.
just decided to recount blog after reading jero's blog
what has happened:
- thursday: woke up late for the first time for a long time. extra sleep wasn't that good actually. was still in missing-everybody mode, so msned and facebooked for a while. headed off to ashfield library for about 3 hours. didn't really do much except for math papers. there's this girl from sydney girls that goes there, and its funny cause she puts all her stuff on the table. goes away somewhere for 30 minutes. comes back. has a swig of her water bottle sits down for like 1 minute, and goes away somewhere for another hour.
people who intend to study but don't end up doing it. i find that a lot . me included.
- friday: headed off to school in the aim of camping myself in quiet library room for the entire time with people, playing quiet chicken. the way that works is. once you're in the room, you cannot talk. and to make sure that happens, first person to talk shouts the other lunch. questions are asked at the end.
get there a little bit late, and discover half the grade is there. go into the quiet room to find some people there. so decide to join them and do work for a little bit. then recess bell went and decided to head off to ask st louis for eng help since steele went to france. turns out all the eng teacher were having some party of some sort during our normal double period. i think they were just preparing for end of term staff luncheon. i remember times of when we used to raid the leftovers. and lowcock recommended his dish to me, which I politely tried.
anyways devesh was at school teaching. and i hear his signature laugh, so i go out to see what the noise is about. they were playing jungle speed. rest of the afternoon was just spending half heartedly working, helped aditi (deshwal) out with eco for a bit. and then end of term.
saturday: last guan lesson ever. morning spent doing math papers. i never feel like when ive done maths, i've accomplished much. maths 3u papers are just "feel-good" papers to me. makes me feel like i've done something when i really havent. drive off to guan (with my dad in the car off course. grr cant wait until P's)
not a bad lesson. in the final minute. guan become sentimental. something we havent seen from him before. took a photo of each of us, just to compare if we meet in the future. said something about doing him proud and notifying our marks to him when HSC was over. i'm determined to make him proud. he's been a good tutor to me for 5 years and i wanna return the favour. our class used to be packed with about 40 people, and people started dropping out, and here are the people remaining.

vanessa (leung) was cut out. cause guan made her go take the photo for us xD
sunday: grand final day. pretty hyped about it because annual tradition of going to someone's place to watch it. and outcome wasn't so good. but not a bad match. if only eels scored off that slater knock-on
beforehand headed off to fairfield to study with eddy at library. that's a new library to add onto my visited list. got a bit of work done. and then we drove to kris' place for the grand final.
monday: planned to go to library originally. until mum told me it was labour day. so day was spent at home doing work, and cleaning my room and organising all these sheets. never realised how much paper we got during school. every day its a few sheets here and there. and they all build up.
did study, but keep on avoiding english. had a read over it but i didn't make much progress in english area. mainly mathing and cheming
tuesday: pooviah's class. i found it pretty helpful. just as a general overview of both phys and chem options. kinda impressed by pooviah's knowledge of chem syllabus too. rode in kris' car for the first time. pretty fun day, its nice when you spend the day studying with people, than just yourself. encourages you to all work hard. headed off the parra library afterwards to skim a bit of study in and borrow a phys book.
during short break in pooviah's class got caught in short convo with bobby and peter
bobby: you been studying michael?
me: yeah
b: how many hours a day?
m: umm, probably 7. (i was probably overestimating. maybe 7 hours including time just sitting there pondering other stuff)
b: peter does 10.
p: (nods with recognition)
10 hours ?! that's commitment. only awake for probably 15 hours. when you look at it that way. 10 hours outta the 15 awake does seem doable. eating takes about 1 and a bit. less if you're fast. and the rest of the time is studying i guess. also read somewhere arni has done 6 test papers in a day.
so that's what i've been trying to aim for each day. 10 hours or 4/5 test papers and falling a bit short each time.
wednesday: spent strathfield librarying. that place is packed seriously. people are going 'save me a seat" for the day after. in order to be able to study at the place. its majorly just filled with so-called "bludgers" who just go there to talk really. but it's not as bad as parra. studied with manbir victor and mariya for a while.
as you can probably tell. didn't get much done, well at least they didn't while i was there. their attention spans are crazy short. finally saw who eden was . not all that flashed about those stupid things. it's all about study now.
today: strathfield library take 2# i booked a room, but victor mariya and bobby didn't end up showing up. which probably was for the better. got quite a bit of work done. although i was only there for 4.5 hours before i headed back home. the problem with shared tables is that other people on it talk. but like the wise don said:
"it's only noise if you think it is. you can block it out if you want to"
which is totally true.
some girl a bit older than me was teaching little kids basic arithmetic and was taking luvos with them as well. she kinda reminded me of carol for some reason. probably the love little kids in a non-pedophilic way bit.
some guys in suits came around and asked if we wanted to do a tution-related survey. said we got a pen and a chupa-chup for it. did it in about 30 seconds. it was only about 10 questions which i quickly ticked through.
the pen is pretty awesome. or should i say pacer and pen combined into one. anyways the guys were from cambridge education centre. and i was thinking of being brave and asked if they recruited tutors. until i read their pamphlet and it said taught by professional HSC past markers.
been hoping to be recruited by intuition after HSC for maths. but apparently they are big bullies and like the exclude people from having a sense of belonging. nah they're all good. excuse the lames.
but yeah been looking to do maths tutoring as a part time job after HSC. cash is handy, and i really like helping people out and seeing them do well makes me feel happy. whether or not i'd do a good job is a different story. but lets just keep hoping.
there was also random discussion of the success one covers. and we noticed this particular girl called "amelia mckinnon" was purposely showing her name to the camera. we thought alright. add her on facebook. so aryan. she is now your friend.
oh yeah and for kicks searched her up on boardofstudies. she came first in drama.
some other girl who accidentally flashed her name too came 1st in arabic continuers
and we laughed out loud at the guy who's face was blocked by the "new 2009 edition" sign. aditi almost got blocked out too by that.
anyways like they say for the celebs just for fun. here are the following venues I will be at over the past days. feel free to come in and say hi.
friday: state library
saturday: some library undecided ashfield/burwood/state/strathfield
sunday: state library
monday: parramatta library
for now. if you're reading this. stop reading. close the window, close your facebook and msn. turn off the computer, and go do a chem paper :D . about the same thing i say to aryan every day.
study hard everybody! cause everybody is doing it. you can never get sick of study ;) it's fun learning and revising !
for the school!
take care