following recounts include past 3 days. saturday, sunday and monday.
saturday: hit up burwood library with a friend. got there nice and early. first i really actually woke up real early to go to library when it opened.
got some hungry jacks brekkie along the way. sausage and egg mcmuffin meal with the coffee. the hungry jacks coffee was pretty good surprisingly. cause usually fast food coffee taste really really bad. especially at maccas.
get there and the entire upper floor is completely quiet. it was really quite nice to study in.

friend gave me some english notes from her school. pretty funny cause she told me that her teacher told them not to show it to anyone from any other school. crazy. they weren't that good anyway. but i took down some good hamlet notes.
we were sitting on a table of 4. and these 2 other girls come to sit down later, and one of them had really whack make-up. i'm just saying. my friend wouldn't stop going on about it how her eyes were covered with so much green make up. kinda just look like she drew an artwork on her face. i didn't really care though. was in the zone with my study.
i don't know why. but when i'm around out of school people. i feel an urge to live up to my james ruse stereotype. not the talk about maths stereotype. but the really diligent smart type. so i was being all studious is really did quite a bit of work. i was tonnes happy. 10-4 with 25 minute lunch break.
sunday: hit up state library with eddy n nathan. after the nice breakfast and coffee the day before. decided to hungry jacks again, for convenience of time too.
got lotsa good questions and material from nathan. where does that kid get all his stuff from. he could run his own tutoring centre with all the material he has. it was an okish day in terms of work done. state library was packed with other year 12s too. and people love to wear their school jerseys too. it's like a big silent corregation at the library where everyone comes and studies and reps their school.

one of my favourite things of going to state library is passing by circular quay station on the way there and on the way back. you never realise just how beautiful city of sydney is until you see that image. damn train windows are always dirty.
hyde park is very nice too. its a good city we live in. something about australia being 2nd best country to live in as well. HDI eco peoples ;) primary school friend was on the train on the way back. he goes to fort street, and he started talking to me all about scaling and subjects and stuff. was pretty degrading actually xD
friend: yeah i know cause 4u scaling is crazy, don't even try for it. i'm getting 90's in my school without trying
me: dude man, i don't talk like that == just cause i go to james ruse. i don't talk about scaling my whole life.
friend: haha yeah sure ;)
it was still nice to catch up again. end of high school kinda feels like end of primary school, except 50 times bigger. so good to see him again.
monday: i've just come back from my very productive day at parra library. picked up some earphones just for today so i could block out all the noise. pick up some hungry jacks brekkie again. but this time i try the brekkie wrap. omgsh it was soo damn good. i was asking the manager guy what was in it, and i think he might have accidentally undercharged me afterwards. cause i only paid 4-95 but on the menu it said 5-95? weird.
get to parra library 15 minutes after it opened to find jero in his spot, as he said he would be in his blog put my stuff down next to his. and sit outside to eat my breakfast. enjoying every last bite. see this baulko girl walk past who i know of, and she knows of me. give her a smile but she walks right past. meh.
head back up to start on work. and work chocablock solidly for quite a while. i see jero beside me working away on his maths

sy comes shortly afterwards. and finds a desk of her own.
jero gets to go lunch, returns. then i go to get lunch, then return. i think next time I go to parra i'll eat lunch at rishi's restaurant toscani's. it's a nice cafe/restaurant. but i feel too rude to ask for a discount.
way it works in parra library i feel. is that everyone camps on a desk. and shortly afterwards they all run out. leave all our stuff on that desk so that noone else grabs it. otherwise you'll be finding yourself vulturing around for an empty seat.
in strathfield, i see people doing laps of the library just tryna find a seat. pretty funny stuff seeing them tryna act all cool and that they know exactly what they're doing. seriously who cares. its HSC study time.
sy books a room at 3 and we go study quietly in there for 2 hours.
a really productive day. but i needa go do more now. cause a little bit more never hurt anybody. unless you're peter or ani and law of diminishing returns works on you. i'll stop with my eco terms now.
can't believe it . surreal actually. used to think before that when HSC came around, i'd be so overwhelmed cause it's the bloody-ruddy HSC . but i feel pretty good. not stressed or anything. calm and collected. that's the way to go.
oh and i think i may have stumbled across everything. i drank like 5 600ml bottles of water today while at the library. had to visit the toilet 4 times. the counter lady gave me weird looks like i was having some bladder problem. but all that water made me really focused and feel great. try that if you're having trouble concentrating. otherwise maybe placebo.
50metres to go, give that last ounce of energy. hit the books 10 hours a day like peter. might update with more study adventures later . for now that is it
take care everyone
i get all my stuff from friends or from tutoring :)
ReplyDeleteAnd i saw peter at West Ryde today. He studied full on from 10-5 with no discernible breaks.
That guy xD
Gee Michael- what a player