So I started going back to read my own blog to see what's changed in a year. I saw this comment by belle which said 'you don't blog anymore' and it sort of made me feel good on the inside =) thinking that my blog was read and enjoyed.
Well what's been happening since a year ago.... hmmm well, the girl I mentioned about 2 posts before (back from a year and a half ago) well we ended up becoming really tight. It's funny now cause I forgot what life was like without her. Before we knew each other. Sometimes we tell each other how weird it is that a year ago we were just complete strangers who sat across the table from each other. I guess I'm going into a lot of private pondering, but that's why I've missed blogging so much. Its just a space where you let all your thoughts flow into words.
Hmmm what else has happened. I've quit my work at talent 100 to pursue a job which gives me more satisfaction in what I'm doing. I guess that just basically means I'm unemployed, and I'm fortunate to be in the position where I don't really need a job (thanks parents!) but I've applied for a couple anyway. I've applied for douglas hanly pathology clinic which basically applying to be the guys who take tubes of blood from you for blood tests. I also applied for boost, but I don't know why now. My mum mentioned that a new boost was opening in Ashfield and they needed staff so I figured I might as well. Maybe it was because I wanted to be a vibrant bright worker, and I wanted to experience what it was like to do a job where you had to clean this, and scoop that, rather than sitting on a chair and answering student's questions. I've always had an appreciation for people who have manual labour jobs like that, whether they work in restaurants, or juice bars. It just seems they are always on the go, scurrying around with no stop. And people who do that for a living, I just imagine them going home at the end of the day to their families and whatnot, I don't know, maybe it's because my mum's in that sort of job too.
What else has happened in the last year...
Origin match, which was amazing
Amy's oldest sister gave birth to Joanna. She's such an adorable baby. I enjoy playing with her so much.
Hospital sessions with our class group. They've been really nice. I'll miss them
Baked my first cake. Haha!
Hahaha I'd like to think there were other things that I did, but that's all the images I have on this computer. I guess one big change that's happened is that it's become really hard to stay in touch with people. I remember in the last days of high school being so compassionate about being in touch with people in uni and throughout life. I guess it's what happens when you don't see each other anymore on a regular basis. Family time has also become so so much more important to me now. I play basketball with my dad at the local courts once or twice a week, and I must say he's not bad for his age. We play pick up basketball with people who are always there, and its a good way to get him fit and healthy. I also go walking along the bay area with my mum on saturdays, and it's such a nice place to walk. I definitely recommend it.
Look at that view.
Anyways, I had an exam today which turned out to be atrocious. I think I failed it, but the only comforting factor is that everyone found it so hard, so surely medfac won't fail everyone.
So onwards continues to month of torture, with 3 more exams to go. Really actually, it's not so bad. People who do other courses have way more exams than us, I just sometimes forget that. Prac exam is on friday so I need to work hard for that. Good thing is that I only need around 35% to pass, cause my previous prac results were above passes. Ahhh medical course surival... you'd be so happy just to pass.
It's felt great to get back on the blogging wagon again. I hope for anyone who might be reading this, that you are well and happy with where you are and what you are =)
Till next time!
-yeah that was a pretty bad exam... :\ but it counts so little anyway and that's wat counts in the end... :P
ReplyDelete-hmmm i feel the same way about working in random places other than tutoring. sure the money sucks more but it feels kinda more fulfilling for some weird reason.i actually considered applying for douglas hanly as well..heh. laziness.
ReplyDeleteLife after tutoring sure is great. Haven't seen you much in the past year (or two), so this serves as a good catch up :D
ReplyDeleteIt's Eddy.