For most people, it is now stuvac and uni these days are so empty. For the med kids, there's still 2 more weeks to go until out little break. Exams are in exactly two weeks for us, so really need to start studying.
But anyways, a lot of things have passed by since the last time i've blogged and I just wanted to post down my thoughts and feelings on my first semester of uni and also I wanted to photoblog a few things i've done recently.
T&F(Thoughts and feelings) on the first semester of med: First half of semester was something that didn't hit me that hard as a really significant change. Workload wasn't that much and everything I was learning was still pretty ok. Med's pretty interesting and we're usually just working away in lectures and computer labs like these

People had told me heaps of stuff beforehand, so I guess some of the new things i had to adjust to were somewhat expected. Adjusting to uni gap breaks was a little bit weird at first cause there was no more of that lunchtime basketball, or lunchtime chilling in the common room.
Discovered people's passion of hating on ruse. I learned to let it go. There should really be a fb group which goes "the awkwardness when someone mentions that they're from ruse" But med people in general are pretty cool and cheery people. Still getting to know people and starting to form tight friendships with them
Second half of semester was so much more overwhelming when the 2nd years started coming in and joining our classes. You look at them and you just go omgsh. how smart are they all. and they all work so hard and know all this stuff. how do you even find the time to do that.
There's this girl in my Scenario Group (Basically a bunch of people you are with 2 times a week, to go over and discuss what we've learnt with the help of a facilitator- usually a GP) who i swear is the combination of peter chen, simone, jackie, ruilong in terms of work ethic, and smartness. My mind was just blown away. What made me even more amazed was that she is the nicest person i have ever met. There cannot be a single person who hates her. It's just impossible. She's polite, she's helpful, she's caring. When we first started, she emailed me to ask how i was finding everything and to see if there was anything she could help me out with. She went on to say that she knows 1st year can be tough and that if I was having any trouble, she would be there. My initial reaction was just :O woah. I was really touched by her caring nature. Not only that, she brings baked cakes to class every time, she's always cheery, annnddd i could really go on forever.
I see 2nd years and I think to myself, yeah that's where I want to be in a years time.
Anyways since uni have started, the beginning was really relaxing and watching footy, driving around and going for maccas runs was a very regular thing

Night driving is one of my most favourite things to do. The feeling of independence hasn't worn off yet, and its just so soothing too. Traffic frustrates me though
During the semester term, I decided to fly up to queensland for a weekend to meet neha and mariya. Made trips to brisbane and gold coast to see em and hang out n it was really good.

went all around brisbane with mariya. south bank, city central, XXXX brewery tour, suncorp stadium, city central clubs, brisbane casino (just to look of course), south bank cinemas and much more. Can't believe i crammed so much into a day actually, but it was all good.
Went off to the GC the next day to meet up with neha and for it being my first time in the GC, i just thought it was a really nice place to live. Water channels are every so really serene and beautiful. Not many people live there either so its heaps quiet.
Made a quick trip to Neha's uni Bond, and their campus is nice as

Being a tourist moment for me, we had to go to surfers paradise to check it out. So caught the bus there from bond and spent the rest of the arvo there lying in the sun and chatting. Sadly i had to say goodbye and leave for the airport shortly afterwards.

Another final thing i thought was worth mentioning was a med charity event a few of us did a few weekends ago. It was a kind of spoof on amazing raise, and if some of you had read bosco's blog, you would know a bit about it. Basically the real amazing race around sydney, with the challenges being wacky daring things we had to do. One of them was to take 5 different photos. Jump photo, striking a pose at channel 7 HQ, a skateboarder smiling sweetly at one of the team members, posing in front of lindt cafe, and running pose at martin place station.

Really enjoyed that saturday even though the weather was dismal.
Thought it was worthy to mention that Kelly got off the bus to buy some sushi while we were still on it, and then ran back to get on the same bus again. Pretty impressive even though we were stuck in traffic.
Anyways i think thats enough blogging for now.
Good luck for your exams everyone. Have a safe happy holiday
Damn, your semester sounds a heck of a lot more interesting than mine. Good to hear you're enjoying uni (: