It's been a great run. I've loved every minute.
Now it is time to give back to the school and your teachers.
Make them proud.
Stay safe, take care of yourselves, study hard.
Your school and teachers have given up so much for you, so return the favour back to them. let's do this as a team, as a family, as the very last thing we'll ever do together. care for each other, and work hard for each other. that's my new motto. I promise to put in 100% for each one of you because i really want everything to achieve their goals.
As strange as this may sound. i'm missing our grade already. all the farewell hugs from tonight just made me realise that it'll never be the same ever again.
My only regret is not being brave enough to know some of you guys better.
I hope to be seeing you around
This ain't gonna be the last farewell. i refuse to believe that
i love you all dearly. and god bless
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
My first day. and the last.
I still remember the first day of school vividly.
waking up to school real early and so excited. felt also proud for waking up so early at 6-30. primary school days consisted of waking up at 7-40 and waking cheez tv dragonball z at 8.
got on the train from ashfield to strathfield. strathfield to epping. with my parents by my side of course. with my big bulky bag my dad brought from china. had every single book that the list we got in the mail said. including a 64mb memory stick, which cost me 50 bucks back in the day. on special. we were so worried that if we didn't have it, then our marks would get affected xD ahh typical.
after about a few minutes of waiting at epping bus stop, seeing all the older grades and feeling scared. seeing all the people in my grade and most of their parents with them too.
get on the harris park school bus. sit down with my parents. so the trip seemed to go with a breeze. i particularly notice adam kelly-mill's parents sending him off and saying goodbye.
finally reach school. and i see all my peers looking around and standing lost as i was. many i recognised from tution and went over to meet and greet. and there were the ones from my old school too. before not too long. my parents said goodbye and we were to stand in that daunting thing they called the quadrangle. half the school was missing, as mr quinlan calmly explained why, which was followed up by a speech from rose - the current school captain back then. i think i might have been too busy talking to either shiva or joseph. but soon enough, they start blurting out these letters and numbers
"7A TO L1.1, 7K TO L1.2... "
i didn't pay attention, and soon the crowd disperses, leaving me confused and dazed as to where everyone was going. what were these weird letters and numbers they blurted out. where they something mathematical.
after about 5 minutes of pacing around looking for people. finally somehow manage to find my class 7K. say sorry to mrs mason all embarassed and just went to grab any seat. i saw shiva in my class, and joseph, and dan who i didn't know at the time, but he went to my old school.
first lesson. double DT. in T1.2 no idea what or where that was. but with the aid of the school diary map and directions from seniors, we got to the class, where most of the people were seated. was walking with joseph, who was the only person i knew, but as soon as we walked into class, he joined his hurstville clan, consisting of don and other people. i chose to sit next to adam kelly-mills as i recognised him from the bus trips. anyways being the enthusiastic student. i try to have a good posture and listen really intently to whatever he was saying. but after about 20 minutes, i couldnt take it no more. this mr bastian guy was just too boring. striked up a very formal douchey conversation with adam, about politics or something. the details i can't remember.
that's what i remember from my first day of school. other things i remember from when the school was old.
- no canteen where it is now, instead if was a storage house for equipment i think.
- demountables on the oval, which consisted of classrooms and the canteen
- bare dirt oval pitch. whethered by the million of students (mainly boys) playing soccer and football on it
- haribo coke bottle lollies for 30c at the canteen
- lolly vending machine, which consisted of skittles sour packets for $1.30
- coke can machines
- recycling crate behind girls' change room. had so many aluminium crushed cans in it
- richard and his apparent fame with the ladies. and his amazing 1.6 time of 6:36.
- peer support camp, and people going on dacking rampages. was trying to be gee with the LT's like leo danny and drew, but failed.
- LT's being gay
- AK ballers. michael li always calling james JA-MEZZZ
- Michael yoon being a hardcore baller, and having beef with michael li
- James (Zhang) and his awesome fan hat which he brought to swimming carnival
- That massive hill they have a ryde aquatic centre, and how we just raced each other up and down it
- Trying to join into a massive game of cricket at swimming carnival with all the curry seniors. i can remember shiva and danny also being a part of that.
- Going down to the farm at recess and lunch with my homies dan, shiva and joseph. watering our crops. my carrots were da best. until they got eaten by gay birds, and i begged joseph (my ag partner) to give me some on his row.
- Gay 7L boys accusing me of liking helena in the first few days of school because i mentioned something about her always rolling up her sleeves for her sport uniform
- Awesome peer support leaders eun-ji and gary. and joseph's peer support leader gavin, who had long hair.
Now looking back on that first day. I realise how young and stupid we were xD. not a bad thing. we've learnt since then. and all these things have come to develop us into who we are today . those gay LT's we detested once upon a time. i came to discover how wonderful and kind they all were after year 9. maybe we just hated on them, cause we didn't belong to them.
I can not really remember of any bad times. mainly good. it's been a hell of a journey, both physically and mentally. i guess it's only the start of the road. we've finally reached the start of the hiking track. now its turn for us to walk along it.
best wishes for the future.
i'll be blogging sometime soon to thank y'all
for now
take care everyone
i'll be seeing you around
waking up to school real early and so excited. felt also proud for waking up so early at 6-30. primary school days consisted of waking up at 7-40 and waking cheez tv dragonball z at 8.
got on the train from ashfield to strathfield. strathfield to epping. with my parents by my side of course. with my big bulky bag my dad brought from china. had every single book that the list we got in the mail said. including a 64mb memory stick, which cost me 50 bucks back in the day. on special. we were so worried that if we didn't have it, then our marks would get affected xD ahh typical.
after about a few minutes of waiting at epping bus stop, seeing all the older grades and feeling scared. seeing all the people in my grade and most of their parents with them too.
get on the harris park school bus. sit down with my parents. so the trip seemed to go with a breeze. i particularly notice adam kelly-mill's parents sending him off and saying goodbye.
finally reach school. and i see all my peers looking around and standing lost as i was. many i recognised from tution and went over to meet and greet. and there were the ones from my old school too. before not too long. my parents said goodbye and we were to stand in that daunting thing they called the quadrangle. half the school was missing, as mr quinlan calmly explained why, which was followed up by a speech from rose - the current school captain back then. i think i might have been too busy talking to either shiva or joseph. but soon enough, they start blurting out these letters and numbers
"7A TO L1.1, 7K TO L1.2... "
i didn't pay attention, and soon the crowd disperses, leaving me confused and dazed as to where everyone was going. what were these weird letters and numbers they blurted out. where they something mathematical.
after about 5 minutes of pacing around looking for people. finally somehow manage to find my class 7K. say sorry to mrs mason all embarassed and just went to grab any seat. i saw shiva in my class, and joseph, and dan who i didn't know at the time, but he went to my old school.
first lesson. double DT. in T1.2 no idea what or where that was. but with the aid of the school diary map and directions from seniors, we got to the class, where most of the people were seated. was walking with joseph, who was the only person i knew, but as soon as we walked into class, he joined his hurstville clan, consisting of don and other people. i chose to sit next to adam kelly-mills as i recognised him from the bus trips. anyways being the enthusiastic student. i try to have a good posture and listen really intently to whatever he was saying. but after about 20 minutes, i couldnt take it no more. this mr bastian guy was just too boring. striked up a very formal douchey conversation with adam, about politics or something. the details i can't remember.
that's what i remember from my first day of school. other things i remember from when the school was old.
- no canteen where it is now, instead if was a storage house for equipment i think.
- demountables on the oval, which consisted of classrooms and the canteen
- bare dirt oval pitch. whethered by the million of students (mainly boys) playing soccer and football on it
- haribo coke bottle lollies for 30c at the canteen
- lolly vending machine, which consisted of skittles sour packets for $1.30
- coke can machines
- recycling crate behind girls' change room. had so many aluminium crushed cans in it
- richard and his apparent fame with the ladies. and his amazing 1.6 time of 6:36.
- peer support camp, and people going on dacking rampages. was trying to be gee with the LT's like leo danny and drew, but failed.
- LT's being gay
- AK ballers. michael li always calling james JA-MEZZZ
- Michael yoon being a hardcore baller, and having beef with michael li
- James (Zhang) and his awesome fan hat which he brought to swimming carnival
- That massive hill they have a ryde aquatic centre, and how we just raced each other up and down it
- Trying to join into a massive game of cricket at swimming carnival with all the curry seniors. i can remember shiva and danny also being a part of that.
- Going down to the farm at recess and lunch with my homies dan, shiva and joseph. watering our crops. my carrots were da best. until they got eaten by gay birds, and i begged joseph (my ag partner) to give me some on his row.
- Gay 7L boys accusing me of liking helena in the first few days of school because i mentioned something about her always rolling up her sleeves for her sport uniform
- Awesome peer support leaders eun-ji and gary. and joseph's peer support leader gavin, who had long hair.
Now looking back on that first day. I realise how young and stupid we were xD. not a bad thing. we've learnt since then. and all these things have come to develop us into who we are today . those gay LT's we detested once upon a time. i came to discover how wonderful and kind they all were after year 9. maybe we just hated on them, cause we didn't belong to them.
I can not really remember of any bad times. mainly good. it's been a hell of a journey, both physically and mentally. i guess it's only the start of the road. we've finally reached the start of the hiking track. now its turn for us to walk along it.
best wishes for the future.
i'll be blogging sometime soon to thank y'all
for now
take care everyone
i'll be seeing you around
Sunday, September 27, 2009
100m out.
Wow. i just fully outgayed myself last night
Went on a late night homo syndrome rampage. talking to a friend on the phone about feelings and stuff until 2.
i woke up. and i felt really gay. but i meant everything i said.
and i know i should be feeling sad about everyone leaving. but it hasn't really hit that strongly yet. maybe other stuff is masking it. but maybe also because i know we'll be in touch in the future.
been trying to think about a post that'd be really moving and emotional to just thank everyone involved for what they've done for me and for the entire grade. but it's just not coming to me.
well what happened today:
i planned to go to city to study at state library, and buy some past paper textbooks so i can actually get motivated and not do stuff half heartedly anymore.
woke up at 8-30 forcefully, hopped in the shower to try and wake myself up . and got in dad's car to go off to the city.
had breakfast in qvb, in one of those side cafes. the pancakes were really nice and soft. and i was surprisingly really full afterwards.

the coffee was kind of refreshingly bitter. but i was really brain dead afterwards.probably not enough sleep
trying to do questions and papers at the library, and it just didn't come to me

library opened at 10, so i got there on the dot, so it was empty. but as usual, it gets really full afterwards. after about 2 or 3 hours of trying. i decided to go grab some lunch and go buy my textbooks.

there was some rural greens protest outside parliament house for some reason as i walked past.
so get to this asian store which is located nowhere anyone would know. unless you were told about it. its in chinatown on the third floor, behind a million hallways. they give large discounts, if you go to james ruse or something. cause the guys son used to go to james ruse. get my books and i go get lunch at coffee club

get a steak sandwich and mango frappe. it was pretty nice. but not hard to make. so might give that a go at home some day.
head back to library again to give it a second shot. and study until library closes. never feel like i'm doing much. chinatown was pretty festive with dragons and everything cause of moon festival? i'm so out of it now

and here i am typing.
i'm really proud of our grade. well most of it.
i love it how we can all just go anywhere in a big group. everyone knows each other, and it's just really nice how everyone gets along.
i love our forum and all the funny stuff that goes on in it.
and the blogging community. opening up to each other and sharing parts of our lives. that's been really nice.
i'm proud of our nerdy tag. it's nothing to be ashamed of. and we embrace it really well and make fun of it ourselves. i remember watching james ruse love letter made by the past prefects. and all the nerdy ruse raps :P so good.
just all this stuff we share with each other, and our arrogant school pride :P
other schools might hate it, but i don't really care.
i feel really proud when people tell me about people they've met in our grade, and how nice all of them are. i smile and nod with appreciation. i've never really appreciated that, but everyone is caring and loving. and i am forever in debt to them for that
and i hope that one day, if we see each other in the street in a long time. even if we didn't talk that much in high school. that we'd stop and chat and catch up. that you won't be ashamed to make the first move and walk over if you see me across the road
the lunch is on me. no matter how cash-poor i am. but don't exploit me ;)
and when all you guys are successful and have everything in your lives. we'll share it together and never forget the times we had in our high schooling lives. and how it helped us to be where we are.
it's not a time to be sad. be happy that we've been so good to each other, and that there will be many good times to come. together and apart.
may your future lives be filled with joy.
and i'm going to stop there now. before i get all gay again.
take care everyone
love y'all
Went on a late night homo syndrome rampage. talking to a friend on the phone about feelings and stuff until 2.
i woke up. and i felt really gay. but i meant everything i said.
and i know i should be feeling sad about everyone leaving. but it hasn't really hit that strongly yet. maybe other stuff is masking it. but maybe also because i know we'll be in touch in the future.
been trying to think about a post that'd be really moving and emotional to just thank everyone involved for what they've done for me and for the entire grade. but it's just not coming to me.
well what happened today:
i planned to go to city to study at state library, and buy some past paper textbooks so i can actually get motivated and not do stuff half heartedly anymore.
woke up at 8-30 forcefully, hopped in the shower to try and wake myself up . and got in dad's car to go off to the city.
had breakfast in qvb, in one of those side cafes. the pancakes were really nice and soft. and i was surprisingly really full afterwards.

the coffee was kind of refreshingly bitter. but i was really brain dead afterwards.probably not enough sleep
trying to do questions and papers at the library, and it just didn't come to me

library opened at 10, so i got there on the dot, so it was empty. but as usual, it gets really full afterwards. after about 2 or 3 hours of trying. i decided to go grab some lunch and go buy my textbooks.

there was some rural greens protest outside parliament house for some reason as i walked past.
so get to this asian store which is located nowhere anyone would know. unless you were told about it. its in chinatown on the third floor, behind a million hallways. they give large discounts, if you go to james ruse or something. cause the guys son used to go to james ruse. get my books and i go get lunch at coffee club

get a steak sandwich and mango frappe. it was pretty nice. but not hard to make. so might give that a go at home some day.
head back to library again to give it a second shot. and study until library closes. never feel like i'm doing much. chinatown was pretty festive with dragons and everything cause of moon festival? i'm so out of it now

and here i am typing.
i'm really proud of our grade. well most of it.
i love it how we can all just go anywhere in a big group. everyone knows each other, and it's just really nice how everyone gets along.
i love our forum and all the funny stuff that goes on in it.
and the blogging community. opening up to each other and sharing parts of our lives. that's been really nice.
i'm proud of our nerdy tag. it's nothing to be ashamed of. and we embrace it really well and make fun of it ourselves. i remember watching james ruse love letter made by the past prefects. and all the nerdy ruse raps :P so good.
just all this stuff we share with each other, and our arrogant school pride :P
other schools might hate it, but i don't really care.
i feel really proud when people tell me about people they've met in our grade, and how nice all of them are. i smile and nod with appreciation. i've never really appreciated that, but everyone is caring and loving. and i am forever in debt to them for that
and i hope that one day, if we see each other in the street in a long time. even if we didn't talk that much in high school. that we'd stop and chat and catch up. that you won't be ashamed to make the first move and walk over if you see me across the road
the lunch is on me. no matter how cash-poor i am. but don't exploit me ;)
and when all you guys are successful and have everything in your lives. we'll share it together and never forget the times we had in our high schooling lives. and how it helped us to be where we are.
it's not a time to be sad. be happy that we've been so good to each other, and that there will be many good times to come. together and apart.
may your future lives be filled with joy.
and i'm going to stop there now. before i get all gay again.
take care everyone
love y'all
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Can't change the past. Just look back on it fondly
I have been very lazy to post lately for my somewhat loyal readers. If there are any. and i should be posting, cause many years from now i'll be reading this and wishing i had posted more on my life.
It's getting late, and i need to fill my co-ops forms
Just posting up this pic to express my great admiration for it

I love it. Oh how much we have changed. The memories
Just looking back on old threads on the frams. So funny to just read em and think back to those days. It feels nice to reminisce
But we must not be afraid of change.
Currently talking to owen on msn, mainly asking about med stuff. But it's comforting to see that past students are doing ok out there.
Also bumped into Sen at epping in the afternoon, and he seemed to be doing quite fine as well. So it's always good to know
Thinking of tutoring maths after HSC. I wanna help people, and if they improve by heaps, it'll make me feel really good inside. But i'm kinda scared i'll screw them up. Hopefully not :)
If you know anyone who needs a tutor. Recommend me ;) . I'll be nice :P
It's getting late. i will post very soon with a very deep and meaningful post.
Just needa think of what to say without sounding like a homo
Awards day tomorrow, hurray. 2 hours of thinking of responses to my med and co-op questions. and getting what is branded as the gayest pansy award.
For now. take care everybody
Gonna miss y'all when you're gone
It's getting late, and i need to fill my co-ops forms
Just posting up this pic to express my great admiration for it

I love it. Oh how much we have changed. The memories
Just looking back on old threads on the frams. So funny to just read em and think back to those days. It feels nice to reminisce
But we must not be afraid of change.
Currently talking to owen on msn, mainly asking about med stuff. But it's comforting to see that past students are doing ok out there.
Also bumped into Sen at epping in the afternoon, and he seemed to be doing quite fine as well. So it's always good to know
Thinking of tutoring maths after HSC. I wanna help people, and if they improve by heaps, it'll make me feel really good inside. But i'm kinda scared i'll screw them up. Hopefully not :)
If you know anyone who needs a tutor. Recommend me ;) . I'll be nice :P
It's getting late. i will post very soon with a very deep and meaningful post.
Just needa think of what to say without sounding like a homo
Awards day tomorrow, hurray. 2 hours of thinking of responses to my med and co-op questions. and getting what is branded as the gayest pansy award.
For now. take care everybody
Gonna miss y'all when you're gone
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Morning adventures
I'm gonna keep this to as short as possible. because i really feel the urge to study.

i've got papers just waiting for me at my study desk. but before i go just like to share my day.
Today was a tuesday so usually it meant getting up late for me, and catching the last train possible that allowed me to get to school on time.
I catch the train from Ashfield, and get out at strathfield following my very normal routine, making my way down to the screens and waiting till the penrith came. the time for the penrith stayed at 11 mins for 50 billion years. which was annoying.
there's this other kid in the junior grades who i see often at this time as well at strathfield. he goes off to catch the train to epping, so i decide to follow too.
i promise this story is getting somewhere.
yeah anyways. get to epping and start running for the school bus i see on the other side of the bridge. 20 metres away from it, it starts to leave. great. i quickly go check the times for the other buses to find that there are no buses for an hour. there was one that was supposed to come 3 minutes ago, so i look to see if there still is a lot of people waiting for that bus. there was noone except for this one man. i see a bunch of juniors leaving and starting to walk to school.
now this isn't a foreign thing to me no more. walking to school. probably done it about 6 times in my schooling life. its about a 5 km from epping to school. so i go what the heck. and start walking 5 minutes behind the junior group/team . as i trek on i see that public bus go straight past me. but i wasn't all that bothered because i really did want maccas anyway since i had no brekkie .

the usual trek up carlingford road.
walk and walk with my earphones on. it seems like i've been hearing the same old songs over and over again. finally catch up with the junior team. which i find have run out of steam and given up. they are waiting for the next bus to arrive.
i trek on and 5 minutes later reach maccas all sore and hungry. my legs were originally sore to begin with because of the running i've been doing lately. stretching and warming down didn't really help that much. maybe i'm doing it wrong.

get there. order a sausage and egg mcmuffin meal. and i remembered that matt usually never ate breakfast. so i thought might as well get him something too while i was there. got him another sausage and egg mcmuffin with a free hash brown thanks to my VIP card :D . and gulp down the coke with thirst. midway through eating my stuff. i realised the girl undercharged me. i didn't even know that is was possible. but a meal is 5.95 and a mcmuffin is 2.95. she charged me 8.05 . do the math
finally reach school to see assembly is still going on.
that was a pretty nice morning. maccas breakfasts are so nice.
period lessons these days are quite enjoyable. although i still feel guilty that i should be working .
the last period of maths today was just going off. people were stealth nuggeting bags, the girls taking photos for those memories. i chimed in a few of them (sorry) and managed to snap some photos for myself. here's one of them

ruilong brought his hats and hairnet for that gee dance he's doing. man i'm gonna miss these guys. well actually not really. cause we'll all be studying medicine together at UNSW ;) hopefully.
go to school. play hard. go home. study hard.
that is it for now. take care everyone

i've got papers just waiting for me at my study desk. but before i go just like to share my day.
Today was a tuesday so usually it meant getting up late for me, and catching the last train possible that allowed me to get to school on time.
I catch the train from Ashfield, and get out at strathfield following my very normal routine, making my way down to the screens and waiting till the penrith came. the time for the penrith stayed at 11 mins for 50 billion years. which was annoying.
there's this other kid in the junior grades who i see often at this time as well at strathfield. he goes off to catch the train to epping, so i decide to follow too.
i promise this story is getting somewhere.
yeah anyways. get to epping and start running for the school bus i see on the other side of the bridge. 20 metres away from it, it starts to leave. great. i quickly go check the times for the other buses to find that there are no buses for an hour. there was one that was supposed to come 3 minutes ago, so i look to see if there still is a lot of people waiting for that bus. there was noone except for this one man. i see a bunch of juniors leaving and starting to walk to school.
now this isn't a foreign thing to me no more. walking to school. probably done it about 6 times in my schooling life. its about a 5 km from epping to school. so i go what the heck. and start walking 5 minutes behind the junior group/team . as i trek on i see that public bus go straight past me. but i wasn't all that bothered because i really did want maccas anyway since i had no brekkie .

the usual trek up carlingford road.
walk and walk with my earphones on. it seems like i've been hearing the same old songs over and over again. finally catch up with the junior team. which i find have run out of steam and given up. they are waiting for the next bus to arrive.
i trek on and 5 minutes later reach maccas all sore and hungry. my legs were originally sore to begin with because of the running i've been doing lately. stretching and warming down didn't really help that much. maybe i'm doing it wrong.

get there. order a sausage and egg mcmuffin meal. and i remembered that matt usually never ate breakfast. so i thought might as well get him something too while i was there. got him another sausage and egg mcmuffin with a free hash brown thanks to my VIP card :D . and gulp down the coke with thirst. midway through eating my stuff. i realised the girl undercharged me. i didn't even know that is was possible. but a meal is 5.95 and a mcmuffin is 2.95. she charged me 8.05 . do the math
finally reach school to see assembly is still going on.
that was a pretty nice morning. maccas breakfasts are so nice.
period lessons these days are quite enjoyable. although i still feel guilty that i should be working .
the last period of maths today was just going off. people were stealth nuggeting bags, the girls taking photos for those memories. i chimed in a few of them (sorry) and managed to snap some photos for myself. here's one of them

ruilong brought his hats and hairnet for that gee dance he's doing. man i'm gonna miss these guys. well actually not really. cause we'll all be studying medicine together at UNSW ;) hopefully.
go to school. play hard. go home. study hard.
that is it for now. take care everyone
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
fine dining.
I am very excited at this prospect. I might have just found what could be the greatest burger in sydney
Feast your eyes on this beauty.

The Wagyu beef burger from planB. a side restaurant to the main chain becasse, which was rated the 96th best restaurant in the WORLD. dayumm
Recently, i only just discovered grabyourfork food blog after much hype from belle and also seeing it on chris' blog roll. oh man. everytime i read their stuff, just makes me wanna go and eat and try all this beautiful food out there. and it seems like she says everything is nice. maybe i just havent read enough yet.
but yes. one day in the very near future, it is the infamous wagyu beef burger than i'm gonna try. although its at 10 bucks, which is a pretty high price for a burger. it's at a classy fancy side restaurant and it is much widely known among food-lovers. its a small price to pay for fine dining.
I've always wanted to eat at the nice side cafes on burwood road. every so often, i walk down the road seeing people feasting on these generous servings of meat and salad and a lot of other things, but i've never really got the chance to go eat there myself. mainly cause i'm passing by, and noone really in the inner west region to eat with either. everyone's so busy nowadays with hsc and stuff. mainly outta school people, which is surprising.
Today i went to maccas in burwood to have a go at this angus burger. It fell below my expectations.

Its a nice burger and all, but without sounding like a matt preston, it was quite monotonous and lacked that tangy sweetness which beetroot or barbeque sauce gives you. for a 6-50 burger. expected a little bit more.
Anyways digressing, stayed behind at school today to attend eco study group and join deva's math gang afterwards as well. for some reason, was really craving hawaiin pizza. so picked that up from dominos right after class and went to eco a little bit late after eating.
out of 10 for productivity, probably a 6. feels awesome to receive free tutoring. but i was kinda hoping to see deva teaching a whole class. just to get a feel for how he thinks out questions and stuff like that, but it was still all good.
doug being the douche he is wouldn't stop talking though xD but that was alright. it was just funny. did a bit of math paper with don and had a go at a few integrals of old guan sheets.

as you can see, don's in very deep thought explaining maths stuff to joseph by writing on a pizza box if you can't see it.
joseph commented on the bus that the pic could be used to establish his tutoring firm.
once i had a dream that just our ruse grade started a tutoring centre to rival all other centres like intuition, matrix and pre-uni
we'd have specialists in every subject including maths, english, eco, phys, chem and bio
deva and devesh would be running the math tutes, while peter taught eco, peter taught phys, peter taught chem, and peter taught english (maybe)
well originally, it would be more wider ranged, with like tonnes of us as tutors in various subjects, and just interchanging shifts when we had spare time. didn't know what name to give the tutoring centre. but it'd be something awesome
dreams aside.
people started to get a little restless towards the end, and we just mucked about.

deva tryna drink outta a long straw. didn't work unfortunately. and just throwing all written on sheets into the bin.
i took a little nap and just woke up recently. was walking through the park on the way home and had this most amazing view in front of me. its like how you know the sunlight shines through the clouds in various strands. like from the heavens. well it was like that. except through the trees

sadly. what i've discovered to be a dodgy camera. my phone didn't capture it. some guy was giving me the look too after taking the photo cause he was in the shot in the distance. sadly he wasn't black nor did he come and approach me .
Last of all i'd like to give a special honorary mention to the prince. for turning the big one-eight today.

my good bud, and my loyal blog reader :)
in all your uniqueness and special qualities. you're actually alright
go easy on the privileges mate.
happy birthday.
oh and for anyone who might be interested.
i'm offering my time to help with maths (only maths, preferably 3u) if anyone needs it. there are better people to ask. but if it just happens so that you see me around and you wanna go through something that you aren't sure of. just give me a buzz and ill give it a go.
anyways that is it for now.
study hard and take care everyone. lets get that 99.5 median ATAR ;)
Feast your eyes on this beauty.

The Wagyu beef burger from planB. a side restaurant to the main chain becasse, which was rated the 96th best restaurant in the WORLD. dayumm
Recently, i only just discovered grabyourfork food blog after much hype from belle and also seeing it on chris' blog roll. oh man. everytime i read their stuff, just makes me wanna go and eat and try all this beautiful food out there. and it seems like she says everything is nice. maybe i just havent read enough yet.
but yes. one day in the very near future, it is the infamous wagyu beef burger than i'm gonna try. although its at 10 bucks, which is a pretty high price for a burger. it's at a classy fancy side restaurant and it is much widely known among food-lovers. its a small price to pay for fine dining.
I've always wanted to eat at the nice side cafes on burwood road. every so often, i walk down the road seeing people feasting on these generous servings of meat and salad and a lot of other things, but i've never really got the chance to go eat there myself. mainly cause i'm passing by, and noone really in the inner west region to eat with either. everyone's so busy nowadays with hsc and stuff. mainly outta school people, which is surprising.
Today i went to maccas in burwood to have a go at this angus burger. It fell below my expectations.

Its a nice burger and all, but without sounding like a matt preston, it was quite monotonous and lacked that tangy sweetness which beetroot or barbeque sauce gives you. for a 6-50 burger. expected a little bit more.
Anyways digressing, stayed behind at school today to attend eco study group and join deva's math gang afterwards as well. for some reason, was really craving hawaiin pizza. so picked that up from dominos right after class and went to eco a little bit late after eating.
out of 10 for productivity, probably a 6. feels awesome to receive free tutoring. but i was kinda hoping to see deva teaching a whole class. just to get a feel for how he thinks out questions and stuff like that, but it was still all good.
doug being the douche he is wouldn't stop talking though xD but that was alright. it was just funny. did a bit of math paper with don and had a go at a few integrals of old guan sheets.

as you can see, don's in very deep thought explaining maths stuff to joseph by writing on a pizza box if you can't see it.
joseph commented on the bus that the pic could be used to establish his tutoring firm.
once i had a dream that just our ruse grade started a tutoring centre to rival all other centres like intuition, matrix and pre-uni
we'd have specialists in every subject including maths, english, eco, phys, chem and bio
deva and devesh would be running the math tutes, while peter taught eco, peter taught phys, peter taught chem, and peter taught english (maybe)
well originally, it would be more wider ranged, with like tonnes of us as tutors in various subjects, and just interchanging shifts when we had spare time. didn't know what name to give the tutoring centre. but it'd be something awesome
dreams aside.
people started to get a little restless towards the end, and we just mucked about.

deva tryna drink outta a long straw. didn't work unfortunately. and just throwing all written on sheets into the bin.
i took a little nap and just woke up recently. was walking through the park on the way home and had this most amazing view in front of me. its like how you know the sunlight shines through the clouds in various strands. like from the heavens. well it was like that. except through the trees

sadly. what i've discovered to be a dodgy camera. my phone didn't capture it. some guy was giving me the look too after taking the photo cause he was in the shot in the distance. sadly he wasn't black nor did he come and approach me .
Last of all i'd like to give a special honorary mention to the prince. for turning the big one-eight today.

my good bud, and my loyal blog reader :)
in all your uniqueness and special qualities. you're actually alright
go easy on the privileges mate.
happy birthday.
oh and for anyone who might be interested.
i'm offering my time to help with maths (only maths, preferably 3u) if anyone needs it. there are better people to ask. but if it just happens so that you see me around and you wanna go through something that you aren't sure of. just give me a buzz and ill give it a go.
anyways that is it for now.
study hard and take care everyone. lets get that 99.5 median ATAR ;)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The naturally gifted
Well yesterday after i came home from UNSW and dinner, i was thinking of blogging, but i had to do my maths cause it was due for perrins.
anywhos, for those who didn't know, yesterday i went with parents to get my pleasant 100 dollars from UNSW for that eco comp which basically noone did.
i think my parents overthink these things and think its a really big achievement, so they insisted on both going and even brought the camera with them xD
so left home about 5-15 and it was all sunny . and i drove to UNSW with mum taking happy snaps in the back seat.

im gonna say this again. but gosh i really wish i had my Ps. just the freedom of driving by yourself.
so we finally arrive and it starts flooding and pouring out of nowhere. walk the entire stretch of that long UNSW entrance and find shelter really briefly until we ask some sydney boys where the heck the presentation is. coincidentally one of the guys didnt bring his umbrella, so he sheltered under mine.
during the brief 30 seconds or so, i found out he was one of Gabriel's church buddies . so hey mutual friends. thats cool
walk into the hall or whatever you want to call it. pants all drenched despite the umbrella, hoping for some sort of food or refreshments. pick up program and name tag and wait there for a while with the other ruse guys discussing estimates and stuff. i have a quick look through my program. people i havent seen for a long time were on the list. so i was kind of eagerly searching for their whereabouts. sadly they didnt come.
some sydney girl walks over and we later discover its Shiva's ex -girlfriend. and we leave em to chat for a while . she also happens to be the National winner for eco in the junior division
finally we get let into the main presentation hall by what seems like the cadets of PWC. and long story short, the rest of it went by quite quickly actually. it was pretty disorganised too. students and parents were just sitting everywhere, and the cadets were tryna get people to move.
During the presentation. my name gets left out for some disorganised reason. so i hafta go up on stage. whisper my name into the guy's ear for me to walk up and recieve my imaginary certificate and shake the head professor of economics or something. later on they do find it
peter chen gets his long awaited trophy. and must i say. it looked pretty sweet.
one of those clear ones with his name and some other stuff imprinted into the glass. mr dunkerley was pretty pleased in eco today as well. as seemed as if he was licking his lips at the thought of holding that trophy and having taught the student who came 1st in Australia for the comp.
Afterwards we chow down some chicken kebab sticks and drinks and head off to eat crab at seafood restaurant. the end
I'm sorry that this post has been very disjointed. but i have some pics to share from the night.

shiva with his award looking smug

parents making me go and get a photo with this guy afterwards with my eventually found certificate

the naturally gifted man getting ready for his moment of glory

peter recieving his trophy. you can't see it cause its glass and seethrough

UNSW entrance at night
anywhos, for those who didn't know, yesterday i went with parents to get my pleasant 100 dollars from UNSW for that eco comp which basically noone did.
i think my parents overthink these things and think its a really big achievement, so they insisted on both going and even brought the camera with them xD
so left home about 5-15 and it was all sunny . and i drove to UNSW with mum taking happy snaps in the back seat.

im gonna say this again. but gosh i really wish i had my Ps. just the freedom of driving by yourself.
so we finally arrive and it starts flooding and pouring out of nowhere. walk the entire stretch of that long UNSW entrance and find shelter really briefly until we ask some sydney boys where the heck the presentation is. coincidentally one of the guys didnt bring his umbrella, so he sheltered under mine.
during the brief 30 seconds or so, i found out he was one of Gabriel's church buddies . so hey mutual friends. thats cool
walk into the hall or whatever you want to call it. pants all drenched despite the umbrella, hoping for some sort of food or refreshments. pick up program and name tag and wait there for a while with the other ruse guys discussing estimates and stuff. i have a quick look through my program. people i havent seen for a long time were on the list. so i was kind of eagerly searching for their whereabouts. sadly they didnt come.
some sydney girl walks over and we later discover its Shiva's ex -girlfriend. and we leave em to chat for a while . she also happens to be the National winner for eco in the junior division
finally we get let into the main presentation hall by what seems like the cadets of PWC. and long story short, the rest of it went by quite quickly actually. it was pretty disorganised too. students and parents were just sitting everywhere, and the cadets were tryna get people to move.
During the presentation. my name gets left out for some disorganised reason. so i hafta go up on stage. whisper my name into the guy's ear for me to walk up and recieve my imaginary certificate and shake the head professor of economics or something. later on they do find it
peter chen gets his long awaited trophy. and must i say. it looked pretty sweet.
one of those clear ones with his name and some other stuff imprinted into the glass. mr dunkerley was pretty pleased in eco today as well. as seemed as if he was licking his lips at the thought of holding that trophy and having taught the student who came 1st in Australia for the comp.
Afterwards we chow down some chicken kebab sticks and drinks and head off to eat crab at seafood restaurant. the end
I'm sorry that this post has been very disjointed. but i have some pics to share from the night.

shiva with his award looking smug

parents making me go and get a photo with this guy afterwards with my eventually found certificate

the naturally gifted man getting ready for his moment of glory

peter recieving his trophy. you can't see it cause its glass and seethrough

UNSW entrance at night
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Kel's 18th/UNSW open day
Welp. it's been a while since i last blogged, mainly because i havent had anything memorable or important to share in this blog which i will look back on.
was gonna post up photos onto facebook of today. except apparently i havent downloaded this plugin which i am currently not able to install.
anyways here's my little recount of today:
so basically left home at 10 for train to city. train was unusually packed on a weekend but i figured most people were going to city to play or the open day.
get to central. meet up with some of the other ruse people. and we hit up the 900 to UNSW. after getting there it was already 10-45 and our lecture talk was at 10-50 on the other side of campus. so swami and milo bolted with me and annie trailing behind . finally got to the finanace lecture and the place was PACKED . so after a moment, decided to go across to the international studies lecture which was awesome xD
the guy there was one of those typical asian guys from overseas with a dodgy asian accent and a slight lag in the current "know-how"
anyways. somehow he ends up going onto the topic of 'partying' which is hilarious if you've ever seen an asian old guy talk about partying
he goes "yeah i know some of you will party, but try not to party as much ! study more. this is a problem we've had before"
"i know myself, i have partied before"

ahhhh. well lucky enough to see him walking across the campus shortly afterwards and asked for a photo.
in terms of course wise. it didnt change me much. still the medicine first with the commerce degrees as backup . actuarial studies kind of appealed to me for the first time. although i hear the maths is really really hard
the medicine lecturer was being an absolute cynic xD but i guess he doesnt care whether or not to impress people, cause so many people apply for med anyways. and it was more of a disincentive lecture to discourage people from doing med
that was about it from UNSW . except for meeting a few other people along the way and V cans everywhere. i had 2 myself as well.

just caught a pic of chris au on one of those thingomabobs. i cant remember what they are called. oh yeah and congratulations to shiva and co. for taking out 1st prize in programming comp if he's reading this . sadly i didnt get to see it. was always a bit curious to what they did in those things
some happy snaps on the bus back to city

gay boys in action

so we reach city and the girls just take off on the way to karaoke,while some of the other guys went to find something to buy kelly. so they lost me aryan bosco and alison. we then decide to find kelly a cake
after about 1 hour of aryan's bickering and indecisiveness, we finally find a cake

this is just a giant cupcake which we passed along the way. 55 bucks !! can you believe that? so not worth it.
the girl/woman at the cafe was at first nice to us and offered us free food sample and stuff like that. which was cool
but i think after we mentioned we were yr 12 in conversation, she slightly turned alisonish . haha sorry, don't know any other way of describing it. well apart from that, after some nice haggling from yours truly ;) we managed to lower to price of the cakes and ended up with 2 pretty nice cakes

we all met up at thai restaurant "Chili Cha Cha" again which was already pre booked for us. i brought along two sparkling drinks from woolworths, while benny and ambert brought along some champagne. dinner was REALLY cheap. quite nice too . spent about 9 bucks in total and ate quite a bit, so it was good value for money. although i am a little girl and couldnt really handle to "mild" panang curry. so i stuck to the really nice non spicy dish. went popping the cork to the drinks, the cork made a loud sound and hit the ceiling xD . i think we were a little bit annoying for the thai workers, as we lagged around for a while when they didnt have spare seats for waiting customers. but it was a really nice dinner. would go again.

got out the cake for birthday girl, and dinner went by really nicely . i swear everyone was so high xD and aryan was stalking everyone with his camera.

anyways hit french riviera afterwards and everyone was just photospamming and being all happy and crazy. got the peach melbe while some of the other girls got giant icecreams.

woah. what a good night
didn't really manage to finish the entire ice cream tho xD cause at the time we were all sooo full. kinda wish i had it now to eat . soo nice
it's times like these which i will remember for a long time.
feels so good to be free and not have any troubles.
hope to have many more moments like these in the future.
for now that is it.
take care and peace out
was gonna post up photos onto facebook of today. except apparently i havent downloaded this plugin which i am currently not able to install.
anyways here's my little recount of today:
so basically left home at 10 for train to city. train was unusually packed on a weekend but i figured most people were going to city to play or the open day.
get to central. meet up with some of the other ruse people. and we hit up the 900 to UNSW. after getting there it was already 10-45 and our lecture talk was at 10-50 on the other side of campus. so swami and milo bolted with me and annie trailing behind . finally got to the finanace lecture and the place was PACKED . so after a moment, decided to go across to the international studies lecture which was awesome xD
the guy there was one of those typical asian guys from overseas with a dodgy asian accent and a slight lag in the current "know-how"
anyways. somehow he ends up going onto the topic of 'partying' which is hilarious if you've ever seen an asian old guy talk about partying
he goes "yeah i know some of you will party, but try not to party as much ! study more. this is a problem we've had before"
"i know myself, i have partied before"

ahhhh. well lucky enough to see him walking across the campus shortly afterwards and asked for a photo.
in terms of course wise. it didnt change me much. still the medicine first with the commerce degrees as backup . actuarial studies kind of appealed to me for the first time. although i hear the maths is really really hard
the medicine lecturer was being an absolute cynic xD but i guess he doesnt care whether or not to impress people, cause so many people apply for med anyways. and it was more of a disincentive lecture to discourage people from doing med
that was about it from UNSW . except for meeting a few other people along the way and V cans everywhere. i had 2 myself as well.

just caught a pic of chris au on one of those thingomabobs. i cant remember what they are called. oh yeah and congratulations to shiva and co. for taking out 1st prize in programming comp if he's reading this . sadly i didnt get to see it. was always a bit curious to what they did in those things
some happy snaps on the bus back to city

gay boys in action

so we reach city and the girls just take off on the way to karaoke,while some of the other guys went to find something to buy kelly. so they lost me aryan bosco and alison. we then decide to find kelly a cake
after about 1 hour of aryan's bickering and indecisiveness, we finally find a cake

this is just a giant cupcake which we passed along the way. 55 bucks !! can you believe that? so not worth it.
the girl/woman at the cafe was at first nice to us and offered us free food sample and stuff like that. which was cool
but i think after we mentioned we were yr 12 in conversation, she slightly turned alisonish . haha sorry, don't know any other way of describing it. well apart from that, after some nice haggling from yours truly ;) we managed to lower to price of the cakes and ended up with 2 pretty nice cakes

we all met up at thai restaurant "Chili Cha Cha" again which was already pre booked for us. i brought along two sparkling drinks from woolworths, while benny and ambert brought along some champagne. dinner was REALLY cheap. quite nice too . spent about 9 bucks in total and ate quite a bit, so it was good value for money. although i am a little girl and couldnt really handle to "mild" panang curry. so i stuck to the really nice non spicy dish. went popping the cork to the drinks, the cork made a loud sound and hit the ceiling xD . i think we were a little bit annoying for the thai workers, as we lagged around for a while when they didnt have spare seats for waiting customers. but it was a really nice dinner. would go again.

got out the cake for birthday girl, and dinner went by really nicely . i swear everyone was so high xD and aryan was stalking everyone with his camera.

anyways hit french riviera afterwards and everyone was just photospamming and being all happy and crazy. got the peach melbe while some of the other girls got giant icecreams.

woah. what a good night
didn't really manage to finish the entire ice cream tho xD cause at the time we were all sooo full. kinda wish i had it now to eat . soo nice
it's times like these which i will remember for a long time.
feels so good to be free and not have any troubles.
hope to have many more moments like these in the future.
for now that is it.
take care and peace out
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