Only got one more exam to go where the examiner is not allowed to fail you, but it's just that feeling that you know you still have exams that inhibits you from feeling totally free and doing 'holiday stuff'
Meanwhile, I've been watching a lot of medical shows. I don't know why I'm all into it now, but maybe it's cause of that curiosity of what life is gonna be like in a couple of years.
So it all kind of started when Channel Nine put on this new show called Young Doctors, which basically is a camera following interns around Newcastle hospital as they work. First time watching it, the thought of doing the stuff they were doing made me really excited, and at the same time, it makes you realise how long you still have to go.
Anyways for some reason Channel Nine decides to fill the time slot with Celebrity Apprentice and Big bang theory. So after 2 episodes the show's gone missing, and on the channel nine site it doesnt say anything. Apparently some people say that it's coming back on next week.
So I still felt like I hadn't gotten my medical fix, and I stumbled across a previous version called Junior Doctors, made by BBC in England. And the show is REALLY GOOD. I really like it. It's so much more genuine and real, and english doctors seem so much more humble than doctors over here. It doesn't just show the good side of being an intern, but the bad stuff too.
The Australian version seems a bit more glamorous and one of the doctors goes out to get her eyelashes done before going to work. Amy went nuts over that when we were watching it together. She's currently doing a clinical placement in Ingham, and she works 14-15 hour days each day. But on the upside it sounds like great fun and I've just been dying to get my chance to do that sort of stuff.
BBC version

Australian version

I like Adam from the BBC version (2nd from the left) and the asian John is a really funny awkward guy.
Anyways I've finished all the episodes (there were only 6 any) and now I've moved on to watching Amadeus. Wow if Mozart really was like that, then that would have been extraordinary. I feel like I've got a new appreciation for classical music. Started learning moonlight sonata by beethoven as well.
Music just isn't what it was. Especially pop music nowadays. It's all about hooking up and getting this girl and that guy. Not like the 90's and 00's where it was all about raw emotion. Although I must say I'm really enjoying Coldplay's new album. Really colourful and happy music.