but it's ok. nothing to worry about
well i started to panic in the 4u exam and got that feeling which i've only eva got in my first ever exam in year 11: physics. in which i felt totally screwed.
afterwards i was kicking myself at being so panicky and not thinking with a clear mind. kicking myself so much to the point i was dreaming about how to do that question if i had it all over again ==" its quite sad i realise
kinda reminds me of a old neopets game i used to play in year 6 called maths nightmares

and then this morning. i was dreaming about gettin 52.5/54 for my 3u exam and 53/60 for my 4u exam which will never happen seeing as i totally screwed it. i wont complain no more. the most irritating are those super duper smart ppl who kick themselves at losing 2 or 3 marks . i find it hilarious
and then i dreamt i was walking down from top of C block to economics to get my 49/50 back . which i would be absolutely over the moon with seeing as i've been trash talking peter for 2 weeks now about how i'm gonna take over his reign, which wasn't the smartest thing to do. seeing as i'm gonna be absolutely pummeled
this is ridiculous
well off to enjoy my weekend by doing loads of maths today at guan and then doing loads of maths trial papers tomorrow at state library. yayyy . study has become a habit, not so much of a chore anymore.
Learn some grammar and spelling.