Can you believe it. It's only been a month since we all finished our exams. That's crazy.
Also been nearly a month since i last blogged. so
1- i've pretty much forgotten how to type and recount properly
2- a lot of stuff has happened
To avoid a TL;DR i'll just quickly summarise some of the things that have happened since i last blogged.
UNSW interviews followed by aryan's place.

interviews went pretty well. i felt really comfortable talking in there and the time just passed by so quickly. it was so damn hot that day too. so afterwards i drove me and sy up to aryan's place on full blast air con to join some others in some fun n games.
Epping BBQ

I always love barbeques. Especially when it's with a big bunch of friends.
Nothing better than having a sausage sizzle with some few cold drinks on a summer's day. It's so calm and relaxing.
Bought a big bunch of sausages and drinks . and it was really good. played some basketball and around the play equipment afterwards. cheap thing to do too. 5 bucks a head with drinks food and ice blocks . Definitely will do again
Matt's place

Afterwards caught the bus to matt's place to stayover at his place for the night.
Went out to a bistro nearby to eat. I love going to bistro's cause their steaks aren't bad and they're really cheap too. Food tastes good when it's good and it's cheap.

Dropped over the red rooster to claim some cheeseburger kris had on his entertainment book voucher thingo. and headed back and just wii'd and snooker'd and pool'd all night. The time passed so quickly. It was already 5am when I thought it was 1. Pulled my second all-nighter after formal. Felt so bad afterwards xD
Got to parra maccas and just ate a whole load of hot cakes and headed home. Had a shower and crashed my bed for 8 hours. Sleep deprivation makes you feel so bad afterwards.
I gotta say. perhaps one of my best weeks of my life. actually definitely.
Such a fun new experience. Loved it so much. Miss the place so much. Already looking forward to doing it again some time.

So much stuff went on and they were all so fun. Highlights for me would be the late night beach sparkle bomb sessions. the day at erina fair. the music stereo playing when we were preparing food and the late night dnm session.

Had a hot streak at erina fair where we decided to buy heaps of scratchies from the newsagent and ended up walking away from it 5 dollars richer. which was awesome. then we spent some money on those chocolate grabbing machines in the shopping centre and walked away from it with a load of candy.
had dinner at spur steak ranch which was really cheap since it was 2 for 1 night for the burgers.

Me and swami also came up with an idea of making a new blog dedicated to recounts of our burger eats and our ratings of the burgers we will try all around sydney. Kind of like a grab your fork. only its just burgers. We still need a name for it.
after dinner. hit up intencity and i hit the jackpot on the monopoly machine. so we were able to all get BEST FRIENDS bands (also thanks to sweet talking the intencity lady ;) into allowing us to have 240 tickets instead of the 232 we had) which was awesome. I flashed them in my UWS interview.
Shopping centres close really early over there. So by the time we left. we were the only ones there. Made an awesome sparkler bomb and attempted to make a bonfire at the beach that night.
Day after, me swami and bryan went out to erina fair again to get matching manbags which were on sale like crazy. reduced to 14 bucks from 60 bucks. and the bags look awesome.

had to include this in. alison found a kid's girl bike in some thrown away trash. and tried to ride it.
Just felt so good that we could live together well as a family for 7 days. That we all cared for each other and looked after each other. Also got to know some people so much more better after this experience. Cause you don't really know how people are at home and stuff really until you spend a lot of time 24/7 to them. They all became my family and i just felt much more open to them afterwards.
We had this late night dnm session until 5am which really made me think about some stuff. But it was just so awesome that we were all open to each other and didn't hold back.
Games of mafia were awesome too. Had a bunch of pretty funny people. and we went on a laughing high for about 2 hours late at night.
UWS interviews followed by HOUSE PARTY
UWS interviews were screwed up. Didn't like it much. Role play sucked. I wouldn't go there anyway after having to travel for ages to get there for interview
Although i did look pretty fly in my business clothes and my manbag. Bryan decided to turn up with his old adidas manbag. which was a dissapointment
Drove up to house party the next morning. Picked up carol from chatswood station. She got me some korean ice block thing which kinda melted by the time we got there since i couldnt eat along the way.

Felt so good to see people from school again. Not just our grade. But all the rest of the peeps. And that we were all there for the same cause. Had lots of fun. Especially picking up basketball again after a week, getting into some deep discussion and the night concert that vijay put on with his band 'road to canaan'. They are a pretty good band. Check them out. Everyone was up and jumping up and down to them. Geoff went kinda crazy haha.

Was helping vijay carry some stuff from his car beforehand and met his band people. Realised one of them 'joel' used to be in my class back in year 3 when we had composite class. So it was pretty awesome to see him again. Back in those days, he was like my big brother. Went digging in my photo archives for photos, and i found him.

He's the one on the left. Guess who the one on the right is.
Left around 9-30 with carol. Dropped her off at chatswood again, and went driving back home. Kinda got lost along the way and i found myself driving past ryde aquatic centre. So i pulled over and checked the map. Went to get maccas for a bit. and drove the long way home. But it was so carefree just driving back at night with my coldplay cd on and just my car on the road . Felt so independent.

So that's about my adventures for now. I can definitely say that my past month has definitely lived up to the hype that i was expecting beforehand. Especially schoolies. Can't believe theres still so much time until we start uni, and that ATAR results are coming out soon. But i don't really care about those things right now.
Enjoy yourselves everybody. Do what you've always wanted to do. Don't hold back
Take care