If i haven't excitingly already told you, i passed my P's on thursday
oh joy :D i was so happy
the day when i was actually supposed to do my driving test, this asian driving test guy told me my central brake light was not working, so I had to go get it fixed and do the driving test the next day.
I had a lady instructor on the thursday and i wasnt really nervous actually since i'd already been to the rta the day before and went through the motions. The test passed by really quickly and i was really really careful making my head movements really obvious xD must've looked like an ostrich
waited at this T-junction for around 6 minutes just waiting for the road to be clear, so that ate up some time thankfully :P
Straight afterwards i drove to school by myself for the first time :P It felt pretty good. I dunno why, but i must say i feel more of a man now i can go places without being restricted by transport xD
What happened today:
went grocery shopping for some food and drinks for formal after-party, it feels good to be of some help :P
got about 5L of juice, 3L of ice tea, 4 cans of red bull and getting the rest of the stuff on monday. afterwards went biking and went to play some basketball down at the local courts. it's full of chinese fob uni students and maori people
was just chatting to swami online, and he was asking for a lift to formal and this is what came across:
rohan says:
fair enough
hey can you give me a lfit to formal?
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
umm hey what about this
im going into the city beforehand
to unload the drinks into the apartment
the girls are gonna be there too
can you catch a train to strathfield and i'll pick you up there?
rohan says:
yeah thats fine
are we still going drinks shopping on monday?
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
yep yep
umm do you mind going into the city with me?
and we can chill for a bit while the girls get ready
then head off
saves me making a return trip
rohan says:
itd be good to chill in the arvo
what time is all this?
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
can you get to strathfield at around 4-30?
so we'll get to city by 5
rohan says:
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
and then chill until 6
rohan says:
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
rohan says:
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
rohan says:
oh my god oh my god oh my god this is so perfect
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
i reckon eh
ok the place closes at 4pm
so get to strathfield by 3
i need to part into the car space at meriton
and we'll walk over to get a burger
rohan says:
freaking. awesome.
[ruse09] .Mkl Ľīů says:
man i cant wait
Finally, getting to taste that plan B wagyu burger in the city AND in suits. for himym non-fanatics or people who are not regular readers of my blog, seems like we're making a fuss over nothing.

But i'm so excited to try this burger. a nice filler before the formal
finally everything is coming into place and life is becoming more and more enjoyable.
That's it for now. I must include a picture before i leave so here it is:

kris at his sweatiest and best after an intense squash session. man that sport is heaps of fun. really really tiring too. i recommend giving it a try, no wonder drew is so fit. sadly my phone can't capture the strongly defined sweat patch on his shirt which extends all the way down the shirt. yum
play safe, can't wait to see you all at formal. lets have some fun