I'm so glad that the sydney terminal was delayed by 10 minute at parra

and here starts the very descriptive but not obsessive recount. i'm sure many ppl have met her before, but i just felt literally weak when i met her. My knees buckled and my words were starting to slur.
so it all starts when sydney terminal is delayed at parra station. there's a loud groan among the crowd. finally the train arrives and it gets to strathfield 10 minutes later.
On the way down the ramp, to my other train i hafta change for. i was kinda in my mind thinking about what to blog about tonight. I hadn't blogged for a coupla days and just wanted to keep on motivating everyone and posting my daily routine recounts. It was about 6 so people were just finishing work and strathfield station was flooded with people. Suddenly on my way down the ramp, this girl in a grey t-shirt walks past me and we catch eyes for a moment. Suddenly it rushed my mind. oh my gosh. was that communitychannel? i quick look back and she's on the phone to someone and yep it definitely was. still i wasn't that keen to pursue her and ask for an autograph. had to catch my train on the way home. i thought oh, that'd be an interesting side story for tonight.
reach the screens at stra, and i find that next train was 13 mins. great. but then i suddenly realised. hey i got time to check out if that was really community channel. walk up the platform which i just came from, and i walk past her inconspicuously. oh my god. it was actually her. or if it wasn't. it was someone who looked exactly like her.
I'm not that big a fan myself, but i know that some people in our grade were. immediately thought to jero and belle. maybe i can get an autograph for them. but she was still on the phone calling and texting away and i was a bit submissive.
3 minutes left till her train came. i was telling myself not to be a chicken. she's just a girl on youtube. just like me. cept a hundred thousand times more people watch her videos than prefect news.
so telling myself that i'd kick myself so hard if i missed this chance. i walked to her. she originally thought i wanted a seat so she moved across
Me: Hi. Is it natalie?
Natalie: Hahah. yeah
Me: CommunityChannel right? yeah my friend really loves your videos.
In essence i was just pulling out a conversation continuer. I knew in my head that she would get that a lot.
Natalie: Oh that's nice
Me: Would it be alright if I got an autograph for them?
At that point in time there was also this other business guy sitting on the bench with a "what the hell" expression. Obviously he'd never heard of or seen her before. So she goes "yep sure thing"
2 minutes left to the train. I rummage through my bag and get out the first piece of paper i see and a pen. It's my chemistry notes. Great.
I pass her the pen and the paper. She turns the thing over to see what it is.
Natalie: Oh what is this?
Michael: Oh haha. yeah it's my chemistry notes. i've been studying for HSC
Natalie: Oh HSC, that's a sucker. Don't worry trust me. It'll be much better afterwards.
N: Oh sorry, what was your name?
M: Oh right Michael. I was really kind of star-struck and i was beginning to slur my words. and my whole body was really weak for some reason.
She begins writing away. I was really stupid and did not think to mention jero and belle's name == i really was just gleeing over the fact that I met her.
She hands the paper back over. and i go. "Mind if I get a photo too?"
She goes "yeah of course" and then i get my phone out to take the pic. all those luvos during farewells paid off. aimed perfectly.
M: Hey thanks a lot.
N: Hey no problems, you should send that photo to my email and I can post it up on my video.
For a split second i made a natural instinct to ask for her email and writing it down. but then i realised. can just get it off the net like that
M: Yeah sure. i'lll errr i'll i'll definitely do that.
i was really starting to slur my words. so i thought better get the hell out of there.
The train had arrived.
N: Well it was nice meeting you, good luck for your HSC
M: Yeah thanks
She gives me a hug and i start turning away to head to my platform with a huge grin on my face.

And so that ends my very descriptive conclusion. here's what she wrote for me.
"This is far more important that your chemistry notes" - if it's too blurry to see
Sorry jero and belle for not mentioning your name. If you want it you can have it, but after HSC of course :) i need it to study.
Edit: just remembered, she didnt write my name. cause i mentioned i was getting it for a friend. so if either of you want it. it's yours
That's it for now
Take care everyone. Make the most of your time.