and mainly as a way of remembering my summer of 09/10. decided to put up a brief recap of the whole 4 months.
when i look back at it. it has been pretty good. lots of things have changed. new things experienced, new friendships made.
Well the highlights for my summer would have to be:
- formal after party

renting and staying in a high rise apartment was just something so new and exciting to do. the views from up there was so amazing and just reminded me again of how beautiful our city is. Also walking in the middle of the city has a certain serene calmness to it. It was just empty at 3am. and that sunrise was just wow.
- schoolies
definitely the best week of my life. looking forward to doing it again next year.

just the stuff we did was so fun and it was so nice spending a week with friends doing everything. beaching, lighting up sparkler bombs, cooking, late night talks, movies, wii, erina fair.
-zoo trip and NYE
for me it was the first time i've watched fireworks in the city since i was around 5. definitely made me feel like the city was such a dirty place with all the rubbish floating around afterwards.

zoo was pretty awesome seeing all the animals and whatnot, and not a kiddy thing to do at all.

fireworks were average but hey. when you start to say that, you know that you're really spoilt
- Donating blood

First time donating blood for me. So it was a pretty cool new experience. nothing much else to say.
- Job at talent100

being my first job ever, it has turned out pretty good. i actually look forward to working each week. The staff are pretty awesome to talk with and the students are funny too. Although i think i bludge too much. Hopefully i'll get to teach later on. for now it's just marking and tutoring.
- Connect
Over the holidays connect has been something i've been regularly going to. Jian, Joy and Andrew Gan of ruse run it, so it's been fun learning new things and meeting new people.

- Cousin's stayover
My cousin came over with my aunt (his mum) to sydney this feb for the first time ever. So my parents and I showed them around. It was nice seeing my relatives again for the first time in 5 years. My cousin is still pretty naughty though. We had dinner at the beverly hills restaurant while they were here, and the lobster sashimi was so nice. looks pretty incredible too when they bring it out for you.

- Getting ready for uni
Gosh that welcome lecture for med at Oweek was boring. Hopefully it wont be like that in uni

Been spending the past week tryna get ready for uni. Just clearing out space in my room. Got a new portable hard drive too. Oh and something i found pretty exciting was going to buy all the med stuff for uni. kris got me my stethoscope today and it looks somewhat like this

the littman classic II in dark blue tubing. got it for $95 for those wondering how much stethoscopes cost
After reading what i've just written, it's so disjointed. so i apologise. but yes. i'm looking forward to the next stage. mainly the people we'll meet, stuff we'll learn and the new things we'll get to experience.
I'm already looking forward to the next summer. Now that we know how much time there really is, hopefully i'll be able to pack more things into it
Hopefully we'll all still be in touch. and not too busy. The thought of exams in june makes me sick already. But yes that is about it for now. Have fun in uni and
Take care y'all